One Word From God Can Change Your Family

One Word From God Can Change Your Family Read Online Free PDF

Book: One Word From God Can Change Your Family Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kenneth Copeland
of Australia puts them through extensive training. And because of their training, they know exactly what to do when pressure comes. Proper training makes those soldiers a force to be reckoned with. Without it, they would lose the battle, and their lives.
    But the training those soldiers receive is no more important than the training that you, as parents, give your children. You have a choice to make with them. You can send them out into life without training, and see them torn apart by the pressures of life, or, you can train them well, and see them respond instantly and correctly to those pressures. You can see them rise up to become a force to be reckoned with.
    The very lives of our young people can depend on whether or not they have been trained to hear God’s voice and obey Him promptly and completely. That’s why my heart breaks when I minister to young people. They are being given everything except the most important thing—training in how to make right decisions. So many of them are not getting the kind of training we read about in Hebrews 12:11: “For the time being no discipline brings joy but seems grievous and painful, but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it—a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness, [that is, in conformity to God’s will in purpose, thought and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God]” (The Amplified Bible) .
    The reason training in God’s Word is so important is that in a time of pressure, your child will react exactly as he or she has been trained. Think about it. Are you raising your child on, “Whatever you think, Darlin’,” or are you teaching her to be confident in God’s love for her, to hear His voice and to respond to Him without question?
    How you answer that question will determine, for instance, what your teenage daughter will do when a young man from the world is trying to hassle her. What will she do? She’s going to do what you have trained her to do. If you have raised her to be confident in God’s love for her, to hear His voice and respond to Him without question, that’s what she will do. She’ll be a force to be reckoned with.
Trained to Value Correction
    Where do you start training your children to be world-overcoming vessels of God’s anointing in this earth? You start by giving them positive, Bible correction early in life. Proverbs 13:24 in The Amplified Bible says, “...he who loves [his son] diligently disciplines and punishes him early.”
    Starting early is the way you get them past the point of “for the time being no discipline brings joy but seems grievous and painful...” and on to the place where they can learn to value proper correction as a benefit to them.
    A child will not suddenly submit to the rod when he’s 15. That doesn’t mean to give up if your teenager hasn’t already been taught to value proper correction. Pray for him. Remember that there is certainly now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, and all things are possible to them that believe. But realize you can’t force a child to value correction if that child has not grown up seeing it ministered consistently and in love.
    One of the great deceptions many parents have is that children have to go through a stage of rebellion. They say, “I’m not looking forward to my children becoming teenagers, because I know they’re going to rebel, like all the others at that age.”
    If you keep saying that, they will. But if you will start correction early, your children can go on through their teenage years and into young adulthood without turning from God’s Word.
    From their earliest years, I have trained and corrected my boys, believing that they won’t rebel. I pray that they will keep themselves pure, strong and healthy. I pray now they’ll never depart from the Lord, that they’ll think it’s strange that people aren’t Christians.
    I grew up under that kind of praying
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