One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1)

One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: One Moment (The Little Hollow Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Danielle Dickson
staircase. I loved this place, the room was basic and a little old fashioned but it was homely and I liked it. Nothing like my own apartment in the city but that was one of the reasons I stayed here.
    Dropping my duffle on the bed, I quickly splashed my face with water and changed my shirt before making my way towards the nearest place to eat. It felt good to stretch my legs, the air was warm and everybody I passed gave me a smile; I missed small town living.
    Coming across a BBQ grill house that I didn’t remember ever being here, I decided to check it out. Eating alone didn’t faze me, I was so used to it these days so the funny look the hostess gave me as I asked for a table for one almost went unnoticed.
    Leading me to my table, she sashayed her hips as she walked and I almost scoffed. I wasn’t interested in women that flaunted themselves, they just weren’t my type.
    Once she’d taken my order, I couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching me. Looking up around the room for the first time, I had to do a double take.
    “Well, shit! Is that really you, Con?” My old friend Lewis asked, I startled at my name because there was no way I could deny it was me this time. I smiled at the six-foot, dirty-blond haired man in front of me, and got up to greet him.
    “Lew? I wasn’t expecting to bump into you. Who you here with, just you?” He looked over at the door and back at me with a sheepish look on his face.
    “Erm… I’m due to meet someone in half an hour, mind if I sit and have a beer with you until she comes?”
    I held in my sigh, this was not what I had planned. The whole point of staying in Sharlington was to avoid this very situation. Of course there was always a risk of bumping into somebody but Lewis of all people? It was just my luck.
    “Of course not,” I said, waving my hand out to the chair opposite.
    He took a seat and grinned at me. “So what brings you back to our neck of the woods, stranger? I haven’t heard from you in what…eight years?” Here came the inevitable questions about where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to divulge so I skirted around the question.
    “Yeah, about that.” I nodded, not giving him much to go on. “Have you moved back?” I asked.
    He shifted in his seat. “Well, I actually never left. I turned a football scholarship down when my mom got sick the summer after graduation. She needed someone to look after her so I decided to stay.” He took another gulp of his beer as the waitress placed mine on the table in front of me.
    “Shit, sorry, Lew, I didn’t know. Your mom okay now?” He looked up at me then, his face a picture of worry.
    “She’s doing alright; she just needs a lot of extra care now. A stroke took out her whole left side but she’s progressing a little,” he gritted out.
    “Sorry, Lew, that must be hard,” I said, feeling uncomfortable.
    Shrugging, he looked at the bar. “Some days are better than others. Anyway, what’ve you been up to? You basically disappeared off the face of the earth.”
    I laughed. Now this bit was easy to tell, I could be honest about this.
    After graduation, I’d went onto college but decided it wasn’t for me after my first year so I started up a construction company with what savings I had, this was something I was damn proud of.
    “Seems like you’re living the dream, it’s great to hear you’re doing so well, Con. I always did wonder what happened to you.”
    “So are you a full-time carer to your mom now?” I asked after talking about myself for a while.
    He nearly choked on his beer. “Fuck no! The woman might be paralysed on the left side of her body but her mouth still works fine.” He laughed before continuing, “I actually own my own business too. The old garage was...”
    My pulse started racing at the mention of the garage. My step dad used to work there, just the thought of that man made my blood boil.
    “ it was a good investment.
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