On Steady Ground (The Walker Brother's Series)

On Steady Ground (The Walker Brother's Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: On Steady Ground (The Walker Brother's Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Anderson
start and he was down the lane. Sighing, I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and made my way back onto the porch. I didn’t need another complication, no matter how good looking he is.

Chapter Three
    Searching in my purse, I found my phone and figured it was as good of a time as any to listen to my voice mails. With anxiety and fear making me nauseous I turned it back on and waited that minute in torture. Beeping at me in the dark, the screen lit up letting me know I had fifty new voice mails. I wasn’t surprised, I actually expected more. Setting my phone down and hitting speaker I started the daunting task of listening to them. The first message, “Elizabeth, where are you? I’m so sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you. You know how my temper is. Come back.” The second message, “Please baby, come back. I promise I won’t hurt you again.” The third message, “Where are you? You need to come back, I am your husband. I will change, I promise. Fourth message, starting to show more of his true nature, “Elizabeth come back. You are my wife and you do what I say. If you don’t come back, I will find you and bring you back myself.” The messages continued on with Craig threatening me, eventually telling me when he found me he was going to make me wish I had never met him. To late for that. With tears streaking down my face, I shut off the voice mail unable to listen to any more of his vile threats. Putting my head in my arms, I let go of the tears that had been fighting to get out.
    “Lizzy?” Ian said stepping out of the shadows.
    Startled, wiping my face and biting back the tears. “I’m so sorry Ian. I didn’t know anyone was around.” Hoping he hadn’t heard much.
    “I was just out checking on a calf before I hit the sack.”
    Coming closer he was in only jeans and boots and my mouth went dry. Could any man be more built or more attractive than Ian? Highly doubtful. For that second he made me forget what I was crying about.
    “You mind if I sit down?” Pointing to the steps beside me.
    “No, not at all.” Wiping my tears away with the back of my hand again.
    Pulling his t-shirt out of his back pocket he handed it over to me, “I’m not sure how clean it is.” He said smiling.
    “Thank you Ian.” Using it to wipe my tears away, it smelled of his cologne.
    “I take it, that was your jack ass husband.” Pointing to the phone. “He left you a few voice mails huh?”
    Another tear streaming down my face, “Fifty to be exact.”
    “I know it’s none of my business Lizzy, but I’m worried about you. He seems like a bit of a loose canon.”
    “Yeah, he definitely is.” Looking over into Ian’s startling blue eyes, “I am so scared he will find me.” Tears streaming down my face faster now.
    Pulling me into his arms, “Sh, it’ll be alright Lizzy. Everything will work out. If you ever need me, I will be just next door. I’ll come over in a flash.”
    “Thank you Ian.” Holding me close while I emptied out all my tears.
    “Is Ben home yet?” Ian asked dropping his arm from around my shoulders.
    The void hitting me instantly. It felt to good in his arms, comfortable and safe. I hated to admit that I didn’t want it to stop. The butterflies still making themselves known in my stomach when he is around. “No, he’s out scoping for women again.”
    “I don’t want you staying her alone tonight Lizzy. I wouldn’t feel right about it. Why don’t you stay at my house tonight. I have a couple extra rooms.”
    “No. No. I wouldn’t want to be a bother Ian.”
    “No bother. I have plenty of room. I don’t want you alone tonight.”
    “I’ll be okay Ian.” Arguing with him, not trusting myself to be that close to him.
    “I won’t get any sleep tonight worried if your crazy husband is going to find you. So you’ll be doing me a favor.” He said smiling down at me. His skin still hot as his arm grazed mine.
    “Okay, if you insist.” I relented not sure if I was happy or sad
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