Omega Games
had done while meddling with my genes, I did not scar, and despite receiving many serious wounds my skin remained as flawless as a young girl’s. Reever’s flesh, however, bore the scars of many battles. He had once been an arena slave, forced by the Hsktskt to fight other captives to the death. He had held back those memories from me, but I had watched him fight, and knew my fearless husband possessed frightening speed and inhuman agility.
    I knew why. When he had freed himself of the killing sands, he had vowed never to fight again. Still, he had fought for me, more times than I suspected I knew. He had gone into battle on Akkabarr, never wavering, so that he might find me again.
    I bent to his chest, and as he slipped inside me, I kissed each mark, the silver-white keloids like tear trails against my lips.
    “I am yours,” I whispered between each caress. “I am yours.”
    Of all the Jorenians I had come to know on board the Sunlace , I trusted Salo and Darea Torin most. Darea had been the first to call me by my chosen name, Jarn, and had supported my decision to avert another war by going to Vtaga to help the Hsktskt combat the plague of memory. Salo had stood by me when I went against my husband’s and Xonea’s wishes to the contrary.
    I signaled them that evening, and met with them in our quarters early the next morning. They agreed to care for my daughter while Reever and I went to inspect some nearby planetary systems for evidence of black crystal infection.
    Not that either of them believed that to be the reason we were leaving Joren, but they were true friends, and did not question the excuse.
    “Reever has gone to secure our transport,” I explained as I served them tea. “We have both left recorded messages on the room console for her. We thought it best not to say farewell in person, to avoid having her again attempt to stow away and go with us.”
    “A wise decision,” Salo said wryly. “Your ClanDaughter can be quite determined.”
    “Xonea mentioned you will be leaving the pavilion tomorrow,” I said to Darea. “Will having Marel with you change your plans?”
    “It need not, unless you prefer we stay here,” she said. “Whenever we return to Joren, we fly to the eastern provinces, to see friends and my natal kin. It is not a lengthy journey by glidecar, and I believe that Marel will enjoy meeting children from other HouseClans.”
    “I agree. Nothing pleases her more than exploring new places and people.” I looked at Salo. “You must take the usual precautions, ClanCousin. There can be no photo images or vid recordings made of her. Our names must never be mentioned. No offworlder can know that she is our daughter.”
    He nodded. “Duncan has created a protective identity for her, which we will use. We are to say that she is blood kin to HouseClan Kalea.”
    I frowned. “No one will believe that our child is Jorenian. She is too small, and the wrong color.”
    “Kalea’s ClanLeaders, Jakol and Sajora, are half Terran,” Darea explained, “and they both have the same color skin. I signaled them last night, and they have agreed to verify the claim, should any inquiries be made.”
    “That is very kind of them.” I forced a smile. “Marel should eat and sleep well for you, as long as she is not given too many treats between meal intervals. There is a cloth toy that she clutches when she goes to sleep; she sometimes misplaces it, so I put it under her pillow during the day. Her hair must be brushed “You need not worry, Jarn.” Darea put her hand on my shoulder. “Your Marel is as dear to us as our Fasala. We will never allow harm to come to her.”
    “I thank you for that.” I heard the door chime. “That will be Squilyp; he is to take me to Reever.” I pressed Darea’s hands between mine, and nodded to her bondmate. “I thank you, ClanSon Torin.”
    “Healer Jarn,” Salo said, his deep voice gentle as he performed a formal bow. “Walk within beauty.”
    I was not
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