Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5)

Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Off Her Rockers (Loving All Wrong #3.5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: S. Ann Cole
gonna be slinging something your way ‘cause they’re all gonna be viewing you as the bad guy. S’all your fault, they’re gonna say. So you gotta be thick-skinned. Be the Chino I know. The tough, unlikable chick who struts around with an ice-heart.”
“You think it was easy for me walking in and seeing you with him like that just now? Took everything in me not to bludgeon him. But things’re already shitty. Don’t wanna exacerbate it.” Sliding a callused finger under my chin, he tilted my face up to meet his penetrating gray gaze. “Wanna be here for you, Chino. But you gotta be here for me, too.”
My voice was hoarse when I asked, “How many strikes do I have left?”
His head went from left to right. “None.”
I laughed. I’d long since passed three strikes, shot past ten. He’d have to be a whipped fool to grant me more strikes. “Okay. I promise to do better from now on.”
“Now get up, freshen up, and toughen up. You got alotta people hating you right now.”
I stood, and with a flirtatious, lip-biting smile, I batted my eyelashes at him. “But you love me, though, right?”
He watched me for a heartbeat, and then cupped one side of my face, dropped a quick kiss to my lips, and strode out of the room.

I N AN ATTEMPT TO SCORE “GOOD” POINTS, I made breakfast for Xavier. His favorite—bacon omelet with near-burnt toast, baked beans, and fritters. We ate, had small, clinical talks, and then moved out on my balcony to waste a few hours, avoiding all topics “Davi and Jess”.
He had stuff on his mind; it was obvious, but he wasn’t sharing. There were huge gaps of awkward silences, and, not knowing where his head was at, I didn’t know what to say to him, for fear I might trigger something or trip over a live wire.
I mean, I did run from him and to Davian the night before, only for him to walk in on me sleeping comfortably in my ex’s arms.
He might be pretending to be forgiving of my peccadilloes, but I wasn’t stupid. He was a man . Red-blooded just like any other. So I knew he had to be sitting on some vile and ugly thoughts and was—most likely barely— restraining himself.
One wrong step, one wrong word, and that could be it for me.
Despite all the bullshit, I viewed Xavier as a hard-won prize. A prize I did not want to lose.
Xavier was lying supine on a lounge chair next to mine, face trained up at the blue heavens, aviators hiding his eyes. I couldn’t tell whether he was asleep or awake.
If he was awake, though, he didn’t seem bothered by my flipping on my side and staring at—or rather ogling—him for the past fifteen minutes.
I loved him. And every waking moment I spent in his presence, I loved him deeper. I could see myself falling so in love with him in the future that I’d completely submit to him. Whatever he told me to do, I’d do. And I was not that kind of girl. Not even when I was with Davian. Me, compliant? Nope. I always had a rebuttal, a rejoinder, an excuse to disobey.
With Xavier though, I was swiftly getting to the point where I’d be living in his world, yielding to his commands, answering to his call.
My phone chirped, and I reluctantly tore my dreamy gaze away from Xavier and rolled onto my back.
Picking up my phone, I checked the screen, hoping it wasn’t another annoying person looking for the inside scoop.
Saskia. Hmm. Took her this long to bombard me with questions?
Saskia: What in d bloody hell?!
Alina: LOL. Took u long enuf.
Saskia: That’s becaz I had another episode. Spent all night at d hospital. Just got home Manda laid the news on me. WTF?
Alina: Again?! Is the baby okay?
Saskia: Yes, d baby is fine. Spill. What was that interview?
Alina: Turns out Jess doesn’t take well 2 being dumped.
Saskia: She made all that up, right? Caz all that crapola she spouted didn’t sound like u. At all.
Alina: U even have 2 ask? We were NOT close I didn’t tell her jackshit. Tex sent her an A message.
Saskia: Oops. Sorry!
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