Of A Darker Nature

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Book: Of A Darker Nature Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Clay
parents.” Emily's voice came out harsher than she wanted.
    Wren's gaze lifted to study her face. “That doesn't mean it's your fault.”
    How many times had she told herself the same thing? No matter how many times she repeated it, it still felt like a lie. “Someone ought to clue in Liz. She’s pretty much abandoned me.”
    “No offense, but your sister is an idiot.”
    Maybe she should give Wren a chance. They'd never been all that friendly. Wren cleaned the mortuary and Scott's upstairs quarters three nights a week. Emily beautified the bodies and worked whenever Scott needed her, which lately was pretty often.
    “The second card drawn is representative of the present.” Wren laid another card on the desk. Five of pentacles. “This usually means change, sometimes through sacrifice.”
    Emily didn't need any explanation of the third card, which pictured a skeleton on a horse. Death written in dark, ominous letters, decorated the top. Certainly the card could have but one implication. She didn't usually put much stock into the tarot, but one had to admit the three cards were troubling.
    “It's open to interpretation.” Wren's voice took on a low timbre that reminded Emily of a fortune teller. “I see this as a warning. A dark soul may cross your path. It could create physical or emotional pain. Or you may lose something close to your heart.”
    “And I guess when it's all over, someone will end up dead? Sorry, but it sounds kind of iffy to me.” Emily arched a brow, unhappy at how quickly her good mood dissolved. 
    Wren laid her hand over Emily's. Her fingers trembled. “Death doesn't always mean destruction. It also brings renewal.”
    “That’s a strange way of putting it.”
    Wren shuffled the cards once more. The same three lay on the desk. “Maybe you should let me whip up a good luck charm or spell for you.”
    Without another word, Emily moved toward the back of the building where Scott's office was. Wren followed behind, babbling about also making some protective talismans.
    “Hey,” Emily entered Scott’s office. He’d painted the walls in tasteful neutral shades. Framed art depicted trees in grayscale. Everything was elegant and serene to make clients feel more at ease in their decision-making.
    Scott moved to the end of his desk to inspect Emily's bruises and scrapes. “Have they found the guys who did this?”
    “I've met with Hahm twice to go through mug shots, but haven't found them yet.” She disengaged herself from him. “No luck with the cadaver either.”
    Everyone stared at her, probably to gauge whether she was serious or not.
    “The undead?” Wren questioned from the doorway. Beau scowled at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him. “You're lucky he didn't eat you.”
    “I didn't get the whole 'I vant to suck your blud' vibe from him.” She curved her fingers like claws and did the best Bella Lugosi impression she could muster. 
    Wren offered a smug expression.
    “Okay, he looked at me a little weird at first, but he didn't do anything.” Emily flexed her fingers and remembered how cool his skin had been against hers. “We had a moment. It was like we connected for a split second.”
    “We're just happy you're okay.” Beau’s smile was wary.
    “I have to find out who he is. The least I can do is buy him a cup of coffee and thank him properly.” She suspected she sounded like some crazed stalker. Besides, how exactly did you thank someone who saved your life? Coffee just didn’t cut it. 
    “I’m sure he doesn’t want the attention, Emily,” Scott said. “He didn’t even stick around to talk to the police. What kind of good Samaritan does that?” Scott’s gaze slid in Beau’s direction. Emily wished she could read Scott's mind. She suspected he hadn’t told her everything. 
    An idea struck her. “Hey Wren, can you do a location spell or something?”
    Scott’s jaw dropped, and Beau cleared his throat.
    “What? It's not like I want to date him, marry
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