happy to share a copy of that fabricated memo by sharing the link in our document management system. The next step is to make a copy of that memo, but attribute it to the Knowledge & Learning Department. Then I am on the phone to the assistant of the IT VP:
"Hi there, I was just wondering why IT wasn't mentioned in the memo about the enhanced knowledge facilitation paradigm shift program from the Knowledge & Learning Department?"
"Woah, hang on there - what memo?"
"Well, I just got this memo about how the Knowledge & Learning department will 'shape the company's tacit knowledge retention curve by clustering organization wide wisdom sharing sources on a single device… "
"That's not their job - IT is responsible for knowledge devices! Send me a copy of that memo and I'll escalate this".
Since I am the all-powerful admin of our document management system, I can see the flurry of forwarding and comments about the memo in the system. It looks like both IT and Knowledge & Learning want to own this project by claiming they are way ahead of the other.
So I innocently pop over to my manager's office, who looks desperate: "Those fuzzy wuzzy knowledge maestros fooled us again. I have just heard the Board wants to fund their proposal for a feasibility study regarding a new portable knowledge device… "
"Well, what if we did not only have a proposal for a feasibility study… but an actual working prototype… . with all of the organization’s knowledge in audio, video and text integrated in a touch display, wirelessly linked to our infrastructure and loaded with the virtual library?"
"Librarian, are you for real? I don’t have months and ten thousands of dollars to beat the knowledge department!"
"Well, actually I could put this together for a mere 900 dollars and three undisturbed days in an offsite secret facility. I promise you can demonstrate it next Monday at the interdepartmental project proposal meeting."
That explains why I am now in a five star hotel, all expenses paid and lying on a king size bed with my iDop Feel. This morning I loaded it with a random selection of business records, a complete backup of the intranet, all the recorded speeches by the IT VP, our collection of e-books and a local copy of the Wikipedia. So I now have 2.5 days left on company paid time to start this romance…
The one with a mess up
It’s Monday, a little after lunch and my creativity is working overtime. This morning my manager told me he had a big, important assignment for me that would look good on my resume. Well, it turned out that an industry IT event was taking place and the chief IT manager was invited to speak about our company’s web 2.0 strategy. Since the chief IT was occupied on that day (a golf clinic has priority of course), the assignment was delegated to the senior IT strategy manager. Who delegated it because it wasn’t prestigious enough. And so, after several levels of delegation I was asked to present about “web version 2, portals, content mess ups and other interesting stuff to show how fab we are in Hades”. And then they trusted me to put together a presentation, which would not need approval as long as I did not reveal secrets.
Ah well. I put everything on hold for this important assignment. I shut the door of the library (sign on the door with “library closed for MARC [8] records audit”). I then gave everyone all permissions on the document management system, so no one would bother me to request permission for folders and documents. I redirected all my e-mail, phone and instant messaging to my passive aggressive assistant Sue, who will reply to everything very friendly like: “that is your problem”, “that is not of your concern” and “did you check Google?”
So after several cappuccinos, the entire Bill Joel box set and a bag of M&M’s, here’s my outline for the presentation titled “Portal to Hades: the future of business driven strategic information and service architecture