O Read Online Free PDF

Book: O Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jonathan Margolis
, writer Stanley Thomas garnered a unique description of female orgasm, best known in India by the Hindi word
. ‘People describe orgasm in different ways,’ Thomas wrote, ‘and they call it by different names, climax in English,
in Urdu,
in Tamil. Describing it is the hard part, because there are so many descriptions. One woman describes the feeling as that of a hot chocolate egg breaking inside her.
    â€˜Others liken it to a hiccup, a ripple or a peaceful sigh. Orgasm,’ concluded Thomas, quoting Dr Prakash Kothari, head of sexual medicine at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, ‘is like a sneeze. If a woman has had oneshe will know about it. Otherwise any attempt to explain it will be like explaining a rainbow to a blind man.’
    Some impressive descriptions of orgasm were collected in 1999 from members of the public by a Montreal-based Web magazine,
– not, as the name may suggest, a gay publication, but part of a respected and very popular psychological testing site, Plumeus Inc. QueenDom is aimed principally at educated Western women from 25-45 years old.
    Among the best female descriptions were these:
    It begins in my vaginal region and moves through my whole body, and I have an uncontrollable urge to moan or scream. I also twitch a lot, experiencing muscle spasms all over and I feel really warm ‘down there’.
    I feel like I’ve been hit by lightning or touched an electrical socket, but after about ten seconds, I relax quickly and the tension flowing out of my body is such a relief.
    I first feel my toes and head tingle, then two waves in my body swell, race towards each other then crash. That is orgasm.
    Indisputably male descriptions were rarer, which is interesting considering that men are presumed to be so fixated on acquiring orgasms. This was one man’s lyrical account of his, however:
    I hit an egoless space and see a rush of rainbow colours, sometimes little electric swirly things in my vision. I feel white-gold explosions in my prostate and testicles, spreading up my penis, a soft golden feeling all over my body.
    Most interesting, though, were the descriptions that are quite difficult to place. Could anyone be absolutely sure which sex provided these reports? They
to be female, becausewe are accustomed to women being more poetic about their feelings, – but it might be foolish to place bets on which is which.
    It feels like electricity running through every vein of my body.
    I see lights, feel like exploding, hear acutely, heat rises from my feet and a tingle rushes up my legs through my thighs, up my torso and throughout my upper body. A feeling of euphoria releases in my abdomen just before what I call ‘falling off the mountain’. I can hardly move for the ecstasy I experience.
    I see a bright light and hear a roar like the ocean.
    I feel like I am going to explode, and then a great relief -often like I am floating down through the air. My body often trembles and shudders. I see stars.
    Such academic research as there has been suggests that in fact orgasm may be more similar than we imagine for men and women. In 1976, researchers E.B. Vance, and N.N. Wagner took written descriptions of the sensation of orgasm from 24 male and 24 female psychology students at an American university. They carefully removed from each account any reference to specific body parts and presented the results to a group of 70 gynaecologists, urologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. Vance and Wagner’s conclusion, as reported in
Archives of Sexual Behavior
, was that guesswork was the only way possible to establish which descriptions were by men and which by women.
    Whether Vance and Wagner’s was a rogue finding or not, there is a significant difference in the range of stimuli capable of setting each gender on the path to orgasm. While a number of ‘romantic’ stimuli can expedite orgasm in women, one
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