turned into a yelling match. Maybe Mona was right; being me was no picnic.
Thad and the head nurse of the psychiatric unit, Edith Wright, were waiting for me in a conference room when I arrived at the hospital. Edith was a large woman with reddish orange hair and a multitude of freckles. She’d spent twenty-five years in the psychiatric ward, and she was tough as beef jerky. She was also the only female who didn’t have a crush on Thad.
“Sorry I’m late,” I said quickly, sitting in a chair across the table from Thad and noting that Edith had chosen to position herself at the head. She obviously wanted to make it clear she was in charge.
“I’ve already met with Marie Osmond,” Thad said, “and she told me how you are out to ruin her country music career. Frankly, Kate, I’m shocked that you would step all over someone’s hopes and dreams.”
“I’m envious of her talent.”
Edith gave a grunt. “I’ve heard her sing. She’s no Reba McEntire.”
“I think we should let Thad break the news to her,” I told Edith.
He leaned back in his chair and smiled the smile that had captured a thousand hearts. Thad was an enigma. As always, he was immaculately dressed in a custom tailored suit of Italian silk, and he looked more like the CEO of a Fortune 500 company than a psychiatrist. Oddly enough, between golf games and tennis matches, Thad was damn good at what he did.
“So, what do you think?” I asked him. “Have you got a diagnosis?”
“She’s screwed up,” he said.
“I’ll bet you got that straight out of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual .”
“Yep. Good thing this hotel has locks on the doors.”
“Very funny,” I said.
Thad looked at Edith. “Kate used to be a barrel of laughs when we were lovers,” he said. “She had a great sense of humor.”
“Thanks for sharing, Thad,” I said.
Edith gave him a withering look. “Gee, Dr. Glazer, as much as I would love to hear the minute details of your sexual prowess, I do have other patients.”
Thad made a tsk ing sound. “You’re a cold woman, Edith.” He turned to me. “Your diagnosis of bipolar disorder was right on. Marie could barely sit still long enough to talk, and she was hyperverbal. She had also just finished writing a song about an old cowboy that she is certain will earn her a Grammy. I think it’s safe to say she’s exhibiting signs of grandiosity.”
“Yeah, I noticed.” Grandiose behavior was common in bipolar patients.
“I’ve already ordered blood work, a thyroid profile, and an EKG,” he said. “I’m going to start her on Vistaril and a new mood stabilizer that’s getting rave reviews. Supposedly, it kicks in much faster than the others.” He grinned. “I also had Edith inject a sedative so the staff doesn’t have to chase Marie all over the unit. Which is why Edith is being so nice to me today,” he added, giving her a hearty wink.
Edith yawned.
“Anything else?” I asked.
“Marie didn’t even try to flirt with me.”
Sometimes it was best to ignore Thad’s comments. This was one of those times. “Do we have anything like a patient history on Marie, or is that too much to hope for?”
Edith picked up a file and opened it. “I did the intake. She gave me zip. I take it you noticed the bruises. She refuses to talk about them.”
“She claims she doesn’t remember how she got them,” I said. I looked from Edith to Thad. “If that’s it, I should probably look in on her.”
“If you wake her I’ll take you out,” Edith said.
Thad slid his gaze from her to me. “She means it. I hear she carries a loaded weapon in her purse.”
“I don’t need a gun,” Edith said. “I have my bare hands.”
“I’ll come back another time,” I said quickly.
Thad and I thanked her. She buzzed us through the double doors, and we headed for the elevators. “I think Edith is hot for me,” he said, punching the button to call the elevator.
“She’s doing a really good job of