Notorious Deception

Notorious Deception Read Online Free PDF

Book: Notorious Deception Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adrienne Basso
benefit of a maid or a traveling companion?” the earl inquired in disbelief.
    Diana shrugged her shoulders, refusing to be intimidated by the incredulous looks she was receiving from both the earl and Tristan. “I had no other choice. I could hardly abandon Richards with his broken leg. His need of Amy’s services was simply greater than my own.”
    â€œOh,” Derek muttered uncertainly.
    â€œWe have no need of a carriage on any account,” Tristan said. “The rain has finally let up, and if we leave right now, we should arrive at my house before it begins to shower again.”
    The matter decided, Derek rang for Dobbs. The butler appeared soon thereafter, his eyes deliberately avoiding Derek, who knew he would have to discipline the butler at the first opportunity. It was obvious from Dobb’s overall demeanor that he was aware that he had acted with great impropriety concerning Diana. Derek sighed heavily. He sensed the household servants were wary of him, and many felt he did not deserve the title he had recently acquired. Though Giles had hardly been a kind employer, the staff was still loyal to him and, to some extent, Henriette. Derek knew that the staff still regarded him as an interloper.
    Derek bid his farewells to Tristan and Diana in the privacy of the drawing room, deciding to spare them all a public good-bye in front of the curious servants. He could only imagine what tales were circulating through the servants’ hall at that very moment. Damn nuisance.
    Once alone, Derek stared moodily at the hunting picture of Giles, his dislike for his cousin intensifying. Even as boys they had not been on friendly terms. Their fathers, who were brothers, were not in any way close, and Giles always enjoyed taunting the younger Derek about his lack of title and wealth. As he grew to manhood, Giles had become even more of a bully, but Derek was not intimidated by his older cousin. Derek’s father purchased a commission in the army for his only child, and Derek spent several years on the Peninsula fighting the French. After Derek had faced the horrors of war, he found that Giles’s petty barbs were indeed inconsequential.
    Derek’s thoughts then focused on Diana Rutledge. He was still not entirely convinced of the truth of her tale. It was not his nature to easily trust, especially where women were concerned. Yet he had to admit, Tristan had made a valid point. Who could possibly make up such a bizarre story—and for what possible gain? It seemed unthinkable that such a lovely woman had been treated so shabbily by a member of his family. But as Derek once again looked at Giles’s likeness, his anger intensified.
    Derek finished his brandy with a flourish and left the room in search of Dobbs. He intended to give the servant a severe dressing down for his disgraceful behavior concerning Diana. It was a task he decided he would enjoy since, of all the servants in the house, Dobbs, in a sneaky and underhanded way, displayed the most disdain for the new earl. Derek, in turn, distrusted the butler immensely. As soon as he could produce a replacement, Dobbs would get sacked, Derek decided, walking toward the servants’ quarters. He would not tolerate such insubordination under his own roof.
    Diana enjoyed the feel of the cool air on her face as she walked down the street with Tristan at her side, his firm grip on her elbow guiding her along. The crisp air was refreshing and somehow cleansing to her spirit. She had only a vague recollection of bidding the earl a rather hasty good-bye, watching Tristan take her satchel from the curious footman, and leaving the house. With each step she took away from the house, she felt her confidence renewing itself, as her memories gradually faded into the background. Slowly, her mind began functioning again, and she started plotting her next course.
    â€œHere we are,” Tristan announced as they stopped before the large stone steps
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