elementary school playground for a bit and we got pizza and we saw a movie. It was epic. I forgot how funny Robbie is in real life. He was imitating all his new teachers and the other guys trying out for the football team. I can’t believe that he isn’t in Drama at his school. He should be a stand-up comedian. I’m going to ask my dad if I can visit him for Remembrance Day or something. He said that his mom is really strict though and doesn’t let him or Caleb leave the house except for “mom-sanctioned activities.” He said she calls them “MSAs.” It sounds so stupid. No wonder Robbie tried out for football. I would try and spend as much time away from home too if my mom had done something like that. Still, I like the sounds of a vacation, even if it is in Lethbridge.
Yours truly,
Arthur Bean
How was the rest of your trip home? My weekend was lame after we hung out.
Ya, the bus suckd
Guess what? My dad wants us to do some kind of father-son activity. Like a sport! Me, doing a sport! Ha!
thats got comedy ritten all over it
First he wanted me to join his yoga class. Ha!
So now he’s letting me choose the activity. What would you choose?
video games?
t ball?
glee club?
Sometimes you’re really useless.
its a gift
From: Arthur Bean (
[email protected])
To: Kennedy Laurel (
[email protected])
Sent: October 8, 17:02
Dear Kennedy,
I was thinking of asking you for that favour that you owe me from the fall carnival. Can you write the article about Ms Kraleigh for me? There are a few reasons why.
1) It’ll look great on your leadership award application! I’m pretty sure she’s in charge of picking the person, so then you can really show her how great you are!
2) I think she might hate me. She definitely doesn’t understand my sense of humour. If she brings it up, I wasn’t making fun of her shoes by asking if she was going to her bowling league after work. I really thought she was wearing bowling shoes. It was part of my “getting to know you” interview. She didn’t take it well.
3) I may have said some things that I shouldn’t have when she said that she wanted to make the school a bully-free zone. I just don’t think that you get to declare a bully-free zone and
all bullying is done. Anyway, our conversation may have gone off track at that point, and so maybe you could do it.
Would you mind? I really do think you can make a great impression. Just don’t bring up a bully-free zone, or her shoes. She’s a little sensitive about those subjects.
Yours truly,
Arthur Bean
From: Kennedy Laurel (
[email protected])
To: Arthur Bean (
[email protected])
Sent: October 9, 8:10
Hi Arthur,
I’ll do it, but I think we should talk with Mr. E. about whether you’re going to screw everything up for the paper. I’m really counting on this award!! And why would you EVER insult a girl’s shoes? That’s SO not cool!
From: Arthur Bean (
[email protected])
To: Kennedy Laurel (
[email protected])
Sent: October 9, 16:27
Dear Kennedy,
Thanks so much! I promise that I’m not trying to cause any trouble. I think I was just so nervous that I spoke without thinking. But don’t worry. Ms Kraleigh will never have to deal with me again!
Yours truly,
Arthur Bean
October 10th
Dear RJ,
Dad and I are going to start fencing lessons next week. He wanted me to choose something we could do together (I think he’s been reading the parenting books my aunt gave him). I figured that fencing would be the easiest and the coolest. It’s not really a sport, but we get to learn how to stab people. I watched some videos of fencers, and it looks pretty cool. Plus, now he’ll have to buy me a sword, which will just be handy to have around. You never know when you’re going to need to be an expert swashbuckler. Maybe pirates will overtake our apartment building. Or maybe the third musketeer will die and I’ll be called up to defend France.