Northern Lights

Northern Lights Read Online Free PDF

Book: Northern Lights Read Online Free PDF
Author: Asta Idonea
technique? Because, hell, that was, hands-down, the most amazing kiss of my life. Or would it be better to play it cool, act like it was nothing special?
    “Um?” Kári prompts, and then he smiles.
    We both start laughing at the same time, and any awkwardness is immediately swept away.
    I try again when our laughter fades. “So. That was… nice.”
    “Only nice?” Kári shifts closer and leans on the edge of the cushion, looking up at me, a playful glint in his eye.
    “Well….” I pretend to mull it over. “Very nice?”
    “Only very nice?” he asks, sitting up and bending over me, his lips just millimeters from my own.
    “Perfect.” The word leaves my lips on a sigh as I surge up to claim another kiss.
    This one is slower than the last, less hungry and more sensual. I feel a shift in his weight, and a moment later he’s rubbing his hand over the bulge in my groin. I groan and arch into the touch, wanting more, aching for skin on skin, wondering how quickly I can get him inside me. But even as I anticipate the delicious stretch as he fills me, alarm bells start ringing in my brain, and I reluctantly break the kiss and reach down to ease his hand away.
    “Something is wrong?” His frown dislodges more of the herbal paste from his forehead, and I stretch out my fingers to brush the loose flakes away.
    “Not wrong—God knows I want to—it’s just….”
    “Your injury?” he asks, and it’s impossible to miss the hopeful note in his voice.
    “No, screw the leg. Believe me, I wouldn’t hesitate if it was just that.” I pause and wet my lips, hunting in my mind for the right words, the best way to describe what I’m feeling. “I like you, Kári, and clearly someone else does too.” I gesture down my body, and Kari laughs. I manage a half smile myself before continuing. “But I only split with Richard yesterday, and I want to be certain this isn’t just some rebound thing, you know? As hot as you are, I want more than a quick fuck I’ll regret in the morning. It wouldn’t be good for me, and it wouldn’t be fair to you.”
    Does he know? I wonder. Kári’s English has been excellent so far, but is it good enough to understand such terms? Can he follow what I’m trying to say?
    “Ah, you think we get to know each other better first, yes?”
    I breathe a sigh of relief. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
    “No, that is good. Better. How long do you stay in Reykjavik?”
    “Six more days.”
    This time his frown is accompanied by a slight pout, the sight of which is almost enough to make me cast all my good intentions aside and beg him to put those lips around my needy cock.
    “You cannot stay longer?”
    I’m about to answer in the negative when I reconsider. What’s to stop me staying longer? It’s not like I have a job to go back to, or any other commitments to force me home. The only issue will be accommodation. No way can I afford to stay at my current hotel past the end of this week. Part of me wonders if I’m losing my mind. I met Kári… what? An hour ago, two hours at most? And yet I’m contemplating the weeks we have ahead of us—the months, even. It’s all happening so fast. Too fast? Maybe, but then again, everything about this, from my tumble to the fact that Kári was in the park only because of the Solstice, feels… fated. And even if it ends up coming to nothing, at least I can say I gave it a chance.
    “I can stay longer,” I say, and I’m unable to repress a smile of my own in response to his broad grin. “But I’ll need to find somewhere cheap to stay. Richard, my ex, he paid for the hotel for the week and left me some money, but—” I break off, shame robbing me of my voice.
    I shake my head and pick at a loose thread on my jacket sleeve. “I have no money of my own. I don’t have a job. Not a paid one, anyway. That’s the main reason Richard left me.”
    “That is okay. You can stay here.”
    I look up sharply. “But you hardly know me.”
    “You stay
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