No Way to Die
on time. Excellent to see you looking so well.”
    “Thank you, Charles,” she said, smiling.
    “Katherine, allow me to introduce Antoinette Blair and my son, Danny. They head up Logan Private Investigations.”
    Toni stood and shook hands with Katherine. “Please, call me Toni,” she said.
    Katherine nodded, and then turned to me. “Danny Logan, I’ve seen you before on television, haven’t I?”
    Unfortunately, I’d been interviewed by television and newspaper reporters on our last big case. In fact, I had been practically mugged by the reporters as I left the federal building. I smiled and nodded. “Perhaps you have, but I didn’t do it,” I joked. Katherine smiled. Toni just rolled her eyes.
    “Actually, I generally try to stay out of the news,” I said, as I shook hands with Katherine.
    “A wise policy,” she agreed.
    We took our seats. After the waitress jotted down our orders, Dad got things started.
    “As you know,” he said to Toni and me, “at least ostensibly, Katherine’s husband, Thomas, committed suicide three weeks ago.”
    “On Valentine’s day,” Katherine added.
    “Yes,”Dad said, “Valentine’s Day.”
    “Toni and I are very sorry,” I said. Katherine nodded solemnly.
    “This past Saturday, Katherine phoned me and said she had some concerns,”Dad continued. “I listened to them and decided that it might make sense to have you two hear about these concerns directly from Katherine rather than have me try to paraphrase her words. Katherine agreed to meet this morning and tell you her story.”Katherine nodded again. He turned to her. “That said, Katherine, the floor is yours.”
    She didn't say anything at first. Instead, she studied Toni for a few seconds, then me. Finally, she said, “I’ve had three weeks to think about it.”Her voice was quiet, but determined. “I’ve listened to the police, and I’ve seen the autopsy report. They say the evidence is conclusive. They’re convinced Thomas killed himself.” Tears started to form in her eyes for the first time. She reached for a water glass in a bid for time to compose herself. She took a sip, and then continued. “I’m sorry,” she said. “This kind of talk is painful. It makes me nervous and emotional.”
    Toni reached over and grabbed Katherine’s forearm.
    “I can only imagine, Katherine,” she said, sincerely. Toni handed her a tissue from a pack she’d somehow pulled from her purse without me noticing. Katherine said thanks and dabbed at the corner of her eyes. “And even then, I’m sure I don’t have a good grip on what you’re going through.” Katherine nodded. Toni continued. “I can only say that we’re good listeners—we’re eager to hear your concerns. And,” Toni glanced at me, “if there’s a way for us to help, we’re on your side.”
    I nodded my agreement. At Logan PI, we make decisions on accepting a new case as a team, after discussing the facts. That said, even early on, I could see Toni was right to go ahead and speak for us. If there were something we could do to help Katherine, we’d almost certainly line up on her side.
    “Thank you,” Katherine said. She took a second to gather herself, and then she continued. “The police say Thomas killed himself. But for me, as I sit here three weeks later, I’m not at all convinced that’s what happened. I don’t have any proof or even any real suspicions, but things just don’t make sense to me.”
    “You don’t think he took his own life? You think he was murdered, then?” I asked.
    “I suppose that’s the only other choice, isn’t it?” she replied. There was the slightest hint of impatience in her voice.
    “Sorry,” I said. “I hope that didn’t come across as insensitive. I’m just trying to understand what you’re thinking.”
    “Let me tell you why—” Katherine started to say.
    “Katherine,” Toni said, cutting her off. “Before you get any further into the basis of your thoughts, can I clear up a
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