Night Fury: Second Act

Night Fury: Second Act Read Online Free PDF

Book: Night Fury: Second Act Read Online Free PDF
Author: Belle Aurora
that. Besides, I can’t afford it.” He pauses, but when Bob doesn’t respond, he pushes forward, “I asked everyone I know in town. They all told me to come here.”
    Frankie and I peek out into the moonlit foyer. Bob blocks the doorway so we can’t see out.
    When Bob doesn’t respond, the man speaks again, but this time, his voice quivers. And my heart aches. “Please, Father. Please . I’m begging you.” Then he whispers, “I need your help.”
    Bob breathes deep ly, and then replies on an exhale, “This won’t be easy. You know that, right?”
    “I can take it.” The man’s confidence has returned with the small amount of hope Bob has offered. “Whatever you tell me to do, I’ll do.”
    Frankie and I watch as Bob pushes the door open. “Cat, come here, please.”
    My mouth near gaping at our guests, I step out of the shadows and walk forward. Bob moves out of the way and explains, “Tomas and Xavier will be staying here a while.”
    Tomas’s brother’s name is Xavier.
    I look at them, soaked to the bone from the rain, looking pitiful and shaking from the cold.
    Not thinking, I step forward to Tomas and reach for him.
    Panic settles over Xavier’s face. His arm snakes out, stopping me. He rushes out, “He doesn’t like being touched. Especially not—”
    I cut him off by reaching past him to gently take Tomas’s elbow, “Not around the shoulders or neck. I know. We have that in common.” Tomas allows my touch and much to my surprise, his rigid arm circles my neck. He pulls me in a little too tightly, but I accept his hug with an overwhelming rush of emotions. I utter a hushed, “It’s nice to see you, too, Tomas. Why don’t I find something dry for you to wear and we’ll set you up in your own room?”
    Xavier watches me with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.
    He almost looks hurt, which surprises me.
    Bob calls out, “Sister Francis, I could use your help here.”
    Tomas loosens his hold on me . Smiling, I take his contorted hand and walk him down the hall to the spare bedroom. As we walk, I tell him, “I was thinking about you today. I think maybe God brought you here. I was worried about you. I prayed for you. Every night.”
    He doesn’t respond , but I know he’s listening.
    “Why don’t we go to the library tomorrow? We can ask M rs Fontaine if we can borrow some books to bring here. I can read to you if you like?”
    We reach the spare room and I open the door. I turn on the light and turn down the bed. “Stay here, okay? I just need to get you something dry to wear to bed.”
    I quickly grab a few items of Bob’s clothes that will swim on Tomas, but it’s the best I can do right now. When I enter the bedroom, I pause mid-step. Tomas is in bed, fast asleep, shoes on and all.
    I smile and move closer to him. I take the blanket and cover him with it. I creep away as quietly as I can, turn off the light and pull the door closed, leaving only an inch open.
    As I walk away, I find Bob yawning in the hall. I open my mouth to ask him one of the million questions I have , but he raises a hand pleadingly. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow, girl.”
    By the state of exhaustion he’s in, I let it slide with a simple nod.
    Bob walks by me, grips the back of my neck and leans forward to kiss my forehead. “’Night.”
    “Goodnight , Bob.” I make my way to my room and for the first night since he left, I don’t think about Marco. I fall asleep soundly and sweetly knowing that one of my prayers has been answered.


    An animalistic howl awakens me.
    “Oh , God! Fuck ! Oh. Oh .” Heavy breathing is followed by retching. “Please let me out of here! Please ! I changed my mind. I don’t need to be here. Let me out.” Banging and groaning echoes around the house. Then an angry, “I don’t want your fucking help. You motherfucking cunts ! Let me out!” Begging soon follows, “Please let me out. Please let me out. I can control it. I don’t need your help. I’m
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