Nice & Naughty

Nice & Naughty Read Online Free PDF

Book: Nice & Naughty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cat Johnson
panhandle with two hands that felt slightly shaky and launched the omelet into the air. It rose in what appeared to her slow motion until it finally came to rest, a bit lopsided, but safe. Given that the egg stayed mostly in the pan and landed on the correct side, she was more than happy. She was ecstatic.
    There was definitely a stupid looking grin on her face when she spun around to find Scott smiling back at her. “See. You did great, but there’s no time now to gloat about it. We have to get them off the heat before they overcook. Watch me. Shredded cheese on half of each omelet, fold it over, then slide it on to the sheet pan I have waiting. These four go in the oven to keep warm while we make the rest.”
    Scott was about to start the entire process all over again when a deafening noise filled the firehouse.
    “What is that?” she yelled. Lexi covered her ears before they ruptured.
    “Fire,” he shouted back over the din. Scott shut off all four burners and the oven. “Shit, I gotta go. I’m sorry.”   He was grabbing all the ingredients off the counter and shoving them into the fridge as he spoke.  
    She touched his arm to get his attention. “I’ll put the stuff away. You go. Save some lives.”
    “Thanks.” He was half out the door when he looked back. “Another lesson soon?”
    “Sure.” She smiled.
    As if he could keep her away.

Chapter Five
    “Getting called out before breakfast sucks. I could smell the bacon as we were driving away.” Troy sat next to Scott in the fire truck looking cranky. Troy’s stomach let out a big rumble to reinforce the point.
    Antonio, the eternal optimist, shrugged. “Hey, it wasn’t so bad. At least it was a false alarm or we’d still be at the call now.”
    As the driver pulled the truck up to the open garage bay, Scott had to admit he agreed with Troy. He was pretty hungry and annoyed himself. He was happy to be back at the firehouse knowing breakfast was on the horizon, but his lesson with Alexis was ruined. And he’d been making such progress too. Damn, he could picture her nestled in nicely between him and the stove. Her cute little heart-shaped ass right there in front of him.
    Scott yanked his mind off that image before he embarrassed himself and moved into safer territory. “Don’t worry, boys. Give me ten minutes and it’s omelets and bacon for everyone.”
    Or maybe not... Scott looked up at the second story of the firehouse and saw smoke billowing out of the open kitchen window.
    Troy followed his gaze. “What the hell?”
    “Holy shit. Did you leave the stove on?” Antonio was getting out of his seat even before the truck came to a stop.
    “No, of course not.” But he had left an unsupervised, unauthorized woman who didn’t know how to cook alone with a six-burner, double-oven, propane stove.
    Scott leapt out of the truck just as the driver parked. He barreled up the stairs to the kitchen. The sound of tramping boots told him the rest of the crew was right behind him. They hadn’t taken the time to remove their equipment, which was good, because after seeing that smoke, Scott figured they’d need it.
    He reached the kitchen doorway and skidded to a stop.
    Alexis stood with the fire extinguisher in her hand and quite a mess of eggs and extinguisher foam on the stove. She turned toward them and her face crumbled. “I’m so sorry.”
    She looked like she wanted to flee, but since a mass of hungry firemen blocked the only exit she stood like a deer in headlights.
    “Who does she belong to?” Antonio asked.
    No way around it. Scott had to fess up. “Um, that would be me.”
    “Really?” Antonio sounded impressed. He raised a brow and looked from Alexis, back to Scott.
      “Does this mean there’s no breakfast?” Troy asked the question that Scott figured must be on everyone’s mind and that’s when Alexis started to cry.
    Oh, boy.
    Scott stepped forward and took the fire extinguisher canister out of her hands. It was heavy. He was
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