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appreciate your telling the jury your experiences, and I won’t keep you long. I believe you told the jury that you were very frightened, as anyone would naturally be. By the way, how much weight had you lost, when you first came to Dr. Gross?”

    Alex thought, Uh-oh . She knew where this was going. They were going to emphasize the dramatic nature of the cure. She glanced at the attorney sitting beside her, who was clearly trying to think of a strategy. She leaned over and whispered, “Stop it.”

    The attorney shook his head, confused.

    Her father was saying, “I don’t know how much I lost. About forty or fifty pounds.”

    “So your clothes didn’t fit well?”

    “Not at all.”

    “And what was your energy like at that time? Could you climb a flight of stairs?”

    “No. I’d go two or three steps, and I’d have to stop.”

    “From exhaustion?”

    Alex nudged the attorney at her side, whispered,“Asked and answered.” The attorney immediately stood up.

    “Objection. Your Honor, Mr. Burnet has already stated he was diagnosed with a terminal condition.”

    “Yes,” Rodriguez said, “and he has said he was frightened. But I think the jury should know just how desperate his condition really was.”

    “I’ll allow it.”

    “Thank you. Now then, Mr. Burnet. You had lost a quarter of your body weight, you were so weak you couldn’t climb more than a couple of stairs, and you had a deadly serious form of leukemia. Is that right?”


    Alex gritted her teeth. She wanted desperately to stop this line of questioning, which was clearly prejudicial, and irrelevant to the question of whether her father’s doctor had acted improperly after curing him. But the judge had decided to allow it to continue, and there was nothing she could do. And it wasn’t egregious enough to provide grounds for appeal.

    “And for help in your time of need,” Rodriguez said, “you came to the best physician on the West Coast to treat this disease?”


    “And he treated you.”


    “And he cured you. This expert and caring doctor cured you.”

    “Objection! Your Honor, Dr. Gross is a physician, not a saint.”


    “All right,” Rodriguez said. “Let me put it this way: Mr. Burnet, how long has it been since you were diagnosed with leukemia?”

    “Six years.”

    “Is it not true that a five-year survival in cancer is considered a cure?”

    “Objection, calls for expert conclusion.”


    “Your Honor,” Rodriguez said, turning to the judge, “I don’t know why this is so difficult for Mr. Burnet’s attorneys. I am merely trying to establish that Dr. Gross did, in fact, cure the plaintiff of a deadly cancer.”

    “And I,” the judge replied, “don’t know why it is so difficult for the defense to ask that question plainly, without objectionable phrasing.”

    “Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. Mr. Burnet, do you consider yourself cured of leukemia?”


    “You are completely healthy at this time?”


    “Who in your opinion cured you?”

    “Dr. Gross.”

    “Thank you. Now, I believe you told the court that when Dr. Gross asked you to return for further testing, you thought that meant you were still ill.”


    “Did Dr. Gross ever tell you that you still had leukemia?”


    “Did anyone in his office, or did any of his staff, ever tell you that?”


    “Then,” Rodriguez said, “if I understand your testimony, at no time did you have any specific information that you were still ill?”


    “All right. Now let’s turn to your treatment. You received surgery and chemotherapy. Do you know if you were given the standard treatment for T-cell leukemia?”

    “No, my treatment was not standard.”

    “It was new?”


    “Were you the first patient to receive this treatment protocol?”

    “Yes. I was.”

    “Dr. Gross told you
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