New Title 1

New Title 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: New Title 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dru Pagliassotti
skull in the pit.” Jack leaned back against the counter, pretending to examine the soda’s ingredient list while he watched Todd. The man seemed more curious than shocked.
    “Has the discovery made the news yet?”
    “It wasn’t in the seven o’clock report,” Andy said. “The police are probably trying to keep things quiet until they know more.”
    “Bad press for the university,” Jack observed.
    “Yes.” Todd glanced out the kitchen window, then back again. “I’m surprised you weren’t called to take a look at the site, Andrew.”
    “I think Pastor Lindgren would be the first person called in if CHU decides to have a pastor on hand during the exhumation.”
    “You don’t think this could be something occult?”
    “Well, a few bones don’t add up to secret Satanic rituals,” Andy said, although he glanced at Jack. “Are there any tales of cults in this area?”
    “Hasn’t every part of California been home to one cult or another?”
    “You study apocalyptic literature,” Jack pressed. “You haven’t heard of any end-of-the-world groups out here?”
    “I study apocalyptic eschatology in early Judeo-Christian texts. I leave the study of cults to the sociologists.”
    “That must disappoint your students,” Andy said.
    “I’m afraid it does. They come in hoping to learn which world leader is the antichrist and end up with annihilatio versus renovatio mundi .”
    The conversation turned to student expectations, then wandered in a leisurely fashion across the states and over the Atlantic. Jack’s cooking filled the apartment with the scent of paprika and garlic, cayenne and buttery shrimp, and Andy made a green salad.
    They were finishing the meal, and Todd was wryly describing the categorizational panic U.S. citizens experienced whenever he reminded them that he couldn’t be called “African-American” because he was British, when they heard the sirens. They fell silent, listening.
    “There’s a fire station a block away,” Andy suggested hesitantly.
    “Those are police sirens,” Jack said.
    “A problem at the dorms?”
    “Maybe, though I can’t help but wonder if it’s got something to do with those bones they found,” Jack said. He looked at Todd. The big man was looking out the window, his eyes unfocused. “I suppose we’d just be in the way if we walked over to take a look.”
    “If you want to go, don’t let me stop you,” Todd said, blinking and looking back at them. “But if you don’t mind, I’ll stay here and finish the shrimp before it gets cold.”
    Jack glanced at Andy. If they were on their own, they’d already be out the door. But with Todd there....
    “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to see if there’s anything we can do to help, especially if students are involved,” Andy said. “Go ahead and make yourself at home, Edward. We’ll be back in a few minutes, and if we’re delayed, I’ll call.” He pointed to the wall phone.
    “Good luck,” Todd said, lifting a hand.
    Jack pulled on his leather jacket and felt the weight of his Colt .45 against his hip. He ducked into the study, where Andy had set up an airbed for him, and tucked the pistol into his knapsack. He didn’t need the police asking him for a carry permit.
    “Back soon,” he called as he and Andy headed outside.


    As soon as the door clicked shut, Todd set down his fork and closed his eyes to inspect the shifting patterns more closely. The probabilities were moving swiftly now, a jigsaw iteration of potentialities revolving and slipping into place as people moved and made decisions. Dark blood seethed beneath their thin, crystalline crust.
    “This is a warded place,” Amon complained. Todd opened his eyes. The demon squatted on the linoleum floor, snapping and worrying at the loose skin on its flank. It looked up, cringing. “The priest has prayed over it.”
    “I’m sure he has. They’ve warded themselves, as well—sigils, charms, and blessings. I think they were summoned
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