Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))

Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dee Palmer
Tags: The Choices Trilogy, Book 1
me and John, my soul mate and best friend since I was five years old. It was taken on my sixteenth birthday. It was my fault he never made it to seventeen. It was my fault he was murdered.
    I couldn’t stop the tears that had been building since I stood on the threshold. I let out a sob and was quickly muffled silent by tight embraces from Sofia and her father. I had decided a long time ago that crying accomplished little other than huge puffy red eyes and a snotty nose. So I reigned in the breath stealing sobs I could feel bubbling under the surface and which I knew I was capable of in private and gave a light laugh to lift the mood. After all, I was genuinely over the moon with my new pad. I thanked them and thanked them again.The grande tour took no more than five minutes and after seeing how truly happy they had made me, Sofia and her father left for the evening. I was able to wallow in the solitude of my new home because although I am often lonely I am rarely alone. It was bliss.
    I work a split shift on Mondays, so having confirmed my timetable amendments’ with a quick email to Mr Wilson I head down to the kitchen. I am capable of turning my hand to most jobs in and around the restaurant and Sofia’s eldest brother Anthony Jr, who runs this restaurant, is pretty flexible where I work. He prefers me front of house and I don’t flatter myself that I would ever be let loose cooking but I can prepare veg and wash up like a pro. Besides, I am happiest in the kitchen, the pressure can be intense and the language can be blue but I like the banter and buzz that comes from working in a predominately dominant male environment. The guys never make concessions for me being there and they certainly don’t censure their language or the topics up for discussion. Frankly what I didn’t learn in biology I more than made up for in that kitchen. They would happily enlighten me, giving me tips and tricks that would make a hardened professional blush but just made me laugh.
    I prepped vegetables all morning, one of the specials today was zucchini fritters which meant mountains of shredded courgettes. It’s the only way to eat such a dull vegetable and the way Joe cooks them; they are both light, crisp and melt in the mouth. I had a taster as I finished work and headed upstairs to change. I planned to go to the library to make a start on my reading. I can’t afford to buy all the course books but reading them in the library is no hardship. As I put my jacket on I dig in the pocket and pull out a crumpled piece of paper with the contact details I took from the job board; the one with the very vague but intriguing information. I decide to give the number a call, it was worth that at least to establish some details. I sit on the arm of my armchair and punch the numbers. The call is answered,
    “Late Night Calls . . . let me help you?” The voice is slow and sultry and the question threw me. I couldn’t speak.
    “Come on sweetie, don’t be shy.” The voice encouraged. I’m pretty sure it was a female voice but it was low so I couldn’t be hundred percent.
    “Right, sorry.” I stumbled, “I got your details form the jobs board at my University, you know about flexible hours, extra cash . . . um, could I speak to someone about that?” I definitely sound like I have got the wrong number and am just about to hang up.
    “Oh sure thing sweetie, I’ll just put you through to Mags, she’ll sort you out . . . bye!” Her bright voice is cut off abruptly and I am clicked and put through before I could thank her but it gives me enough time to compose myself, maybe not sound such a moron.
    “Hello?” I ventured tentatively as the line goes silent.
    “Hello my darling, what can I do for you today?” Her voice was equally low and I wonder if that is a job requirement or maybe just something in the water.
    “I was calling about the job, but to be honest I don’t really know what that job is, where it is or well any of the details
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