Mystics 3-Book Collection
    The idea of being alone in a car with Agent
Barnes wasn’t exactly a pleasant one. She preferred the company of
someone her own age. The anxiety was choking her, she hated not
knowing where they were going or what these Sevenths were going to
do with her.
    Tristan turned around, and Zoey could see he
was holding a round metal compact the size of his palm. On the top
was a ring dial with a series of engraved numbers around the edges
like the face a clock. And in its center was a needle that pointed
to locations on a map. She could see it had mirrored surfaces on
the inside.
    A compass , thought Zoey. A very
fancy compass.
    “Can’t,” answered Tristan as he continued to
manipulate the device.
    “I have to go with Agent Lee to Boston—it’s
part of my training as an operative—to work with an agent out on
the field. I got lucky today.”
    He smiled at her. “But don’t worry, Agent
Barnes is a big teddy bear—he doesn’t bite, not always.”
    Agent Barnes cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Hey, I do bite when I have to.”
    Agent Lee pulled out a similar mirrored
compass from the folds of his trench coat. He flipped it open,
stared at himself through it, and after adjusting his hair he
folded the two sides together just as Tristan had done.
    Zoey watched as they both held out their
mirrors in front of themselves, angling them as though trying to
catch the best reflection. They stood still for a moment, and then
suddenly their bodies started to shimmer like a mirage until they
were no more than glowing shadows. She could see right through
their bodies to the other side of the street, as though they had
turned into translucent and eerie ghosts. Then, with a small pop , they disappeared.
    “You can close your mouth now,” laughed
Agent Barnes, seeing the utter disbelief on Zoey’s face.
    She ran to where Tristan and Agent Lee had
stood seconds before. “But…but it’s impossible! They’re gone?
Disappeared? They just vanished? People just don’t vanish? What
happened? How is this possible?”
    “It’s called traveling by DSM,” said Agent
    He pulled out an identical round compact and
flipped it open for Zoey to see.
    “Feast your eyes on this baby. This ,
my dear girl, is the only smart way to travel. Can’t leave home
without it,” he said and laughed at his own joke.
    But he stopped laughing when he saw Zoey’s
confused expression. “This baby is a DSM—double-sided-mirror. It
can take you anywhere in the world. I’m sure you’ll have your
chance at it, too—once we figure out what to do with you. It’ll all
make sense once we get to the hive. In you go, come on now.”
    Reluctantly, Zoey climbed into the back seat
of the SUV. Tristan had said they’d meet up back at the hive, and
she was curious to see if he’d still be in one piece, or if his
legs had stayed in Boston.
    Agent Barnes sat in the front passenger’s
seat and whispered something to the driver, a man with white hair
and glasses that covered most of his face. As they drove away, the
orphan district disappeared, and Zoey’s stomach gave a lurch. But
it wasn’t from leaving her old life behind—it was from excitement
of the unknown that lay ahead.
    Zoey was quiet during the drive out of the
city. Agent Barnes and the driver were deep in conversion, keeping
their voices low, but she caught the word interloper at
least five times. It was clear that this device was on everyone’s
mind, whatever it was.
    After about an hour’s drive the SUV pulled
onto a dirt road.
    “Cold Creek,” announced Agent Barnes, and he
turned around in his seat. “It’s a wildlife and forest conservation
area, nobody around for miles. It’s the perfect location for a
hive. It’s always best to be away from prying eyes—wouldn’t want
any Mutes in our backyard—if you know what I mean?”
    No? Zoey wanted to say, but she
didn’t. She had no idea what Mutes where.
    “I was around your age when I first came
here. I remember it
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