Mystery of the Secret Message

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Book: Mystery of the Secret Message Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charles Tang
to check it. Her notebook was still there.
    Benny was hunting for his knapsack. “I put it right here.” He finally found it under a pile of holly.
    “Someone’s been in our things,” Jessie told Henry.
    Henry picked up his jacket. Sure enough, the pockets were turned inside out. “Someone went through my jacket.”
    Violet looked around for her camera bag.
    “Oh, no,” she moaned. “I left my bag here and it’s gone!”

The Phantom Strikes Again
    A re you sure your camera bag is missing?” Jessie asked Violet. “Maybe you took it into the drugstore.”
    Violet shook her head. “I left it here, with our coats and things. I can’t believe someone would steal it.”
    “Well, somebody did,” Henry said grimly.
    Benny hated to see his sister so upset. “Don’t worry, Violet. Let’s go look in the drugstore, just in case.”
    But Mrs. Turner wasn’t able to help them. “I know that gray bag of yours,” she said to Violet. “You didn’t bring it with you today. I’m sure you just left your bag at home.”
    Violet smiled weakly, but she felt awful. Her camera wasn’t at home; she’d been taking pictures most of the day. She should have been more responsible with her belongings.
    As the Aldens went back outside, they met Dawn Wellington on the sidewalk.
    “Hi, kids,” she said cheerfully.
    Sylvia Pepper came across the square. She brought a box of red ribbons. “For the wreaths,” she said.
    A few seconds later, Mr. Ames and Ms. Reit joined Sylvia.
    “Greenfield Decorating Committee reporting for duty,” Dawn joked, giving a snappy salute. “All present and accounted for.”
    “Everyone but Rick Bass,” Jessie said. “I wonder where he is.”
    “He’s probably just late,” Henry said. “We’ll ask if anyone has seen Violet’s camera bag.”
    But no one had.
    Violet had hoped someone had seen her bag by the statue and taken it inside for safekeeping. But her camera seemed to be gone forever.
    Benny inspected everyone’s fingernails. He didn’t see any telltale red paint. Sylvia Pepper always had bright red fingernails.
    The rest of the afternoon, they draped garlands around shop windows. Each door was graced with a ribbon-tied pine wreath. Even the lampposts sported sprigs of holly.
    When they were finished, the decorators stood back to survey the square.
    “Too plain,” Sylvia said, frowning. “I’m going to add flowers and bows to my door.”
    “I like the simple wreaths,” Dawn said. “It looks like New England. I think Josiah Wade would approve.”
    The mention of Josiah Wade made Jessie think about Rick Bass. He hadn’t shown up. Had something happened to the museum curator?
    Benny also glanced at the statue, tall and stately in the late afternoon sun. If only the Minuteman could talk. He would ask Josiah who took his sister’s camera bag. But he knew statues couldn’t speak.
    When he heard about the theft that evening at dinner, Grandfather was very understanding.
    “These things happen,” he told Violet. “When the festival is over, we’ll get you another camera.”
    “And we won’t stop looking for the stolen one,” Henry promised. “Your camera just didn’t walk away.”
    “But I’m supposed to take pictures at the festival,” Violet protested. “That’s my job at the Alden booth. Without my camera, we’ll have to do something else for the festival.”
    She hated to let Grandfather down. She knew he had a lot on his mind. The man who was supposed to play the clown had gotten sick. Grandfather needed to find another clown.
    Benny had an idea. “You’re a good artist, Violet. Maybe you could draw people in front of the statue.”
    “Thanks, Benny,” Violet said, smiling. “But I doubt I can draw that well.”
    The phone rang.
    Grandfather got up to answer it. “Don’t worry,” he assured Violet as he left the dining room. “We’ll think of a solution. We Aldens always solve our problems.”
    Mrs. McGregor came in with a freshly baked layer
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