should feed now, Adrian. While the hunger is still within your control.” Sidney’s voice was businesslike. “Am I correct that this is so? You can control this urge up to a certain point?”
Adrian nodded. “Yes. I need this sustenance no more than three or four times a year. That is the bare minimum for my survival. I would like it more, of course, but I dare not indulge those wants. If I wait too long then my thirst becomes uncontrollable and I take…too much.” He closed his eyes for a moment, praying once more that he’d never actually killed.
“There are so many things I do not know , Sir Sidney.” It was an anguished cry from his soul, and Sidney recognized it as such, acknowledging it with a fleeting brush of his hand against Adrian’s arm.
Adrian felt comforted. “I should warn you that feeding seems to be allied with…with certain responses…physical responses…” He stumbled.
Sidney was unconcerned. “Yes, my reading material made the connection between feeding and sexual arousal quite pointedly on many occasions. Do not be disturbed, Adrian. We are both men. We have both been aroused on many occasions, and will be again, God willing.” He smiled ruefully. “Although you probably more than me at this point.”
Adrian felt an answering smile curve his mouth. “You are quite sophisticated about this.”
“On the contrary, I am scared. But I trust you. Don’t ask me why. You are a vampire who washed ashore on my beach. And soon you will be my son. There are many who would call me insane, and they may be right. I have no idea. I do trust my instincts, however, and I have very strong instincts where you are concerned.”
He looked intently at Adrian once more, then turned away and tilted his head to one side, offering his neck. “I do not believe you will harm me. And if you feel the need to satisfy your arousal yourself, I shall understand. What happens here in this moment will never pass beyond the door.”
Adrian could no longer resist the need welling through him, the scent of Sir Sidney’s blood was strong as was the sound of his heart beating. The slight sting of his fangs as they lengthened across his lips warned Adrian that the time was near.
“Will it hurt much, d’you think?”
The quiet question pierced Adrian to his heart, for in truth he had no answer. “I do not know.” He whispered the words around his fangs then closed the distance between them, grasping Sir Sidney’s shoulders with his hands and bending forward.
It took no time at all to pierce the soft skin and find the hot pulse of blood that flowed luxuriously over his tongue and into his body. There was scarcely a jump from the man whose neck he was biting, so a part of Adrian’s mind deduced there was little if any pain involved.
And oh what joy. To feed from an aware, warm, willing body. To sense much of that person’s essence as their life fluids spurted freely into his mouth.
Adrian felt Sir Sidney--his warmth, his charm, his pain and his heartbreak. All the emotions flooded into Adrian as he drank. The sexual arousal was there, his cock hard beneath his breeches, but it was manageable. Had he been feeding from a woman things might be different. But tonight--well, it was manageable.
Heat seeped into Adrian’s muscles, vitality wound its way through his body, and the simple pleasure of quenching a savage thirst bathed him in its glow. Sir Sidney was a good man, and that goodness flavored his blood, making it all the sweeter to Adrian’s jaded tongue.
Finally, Sidney shivered a little, and Adrian knew he’d taken enough. He quickly slid his fangs free and watched as the droplets of blood began to congeal. He kept a firm grip on Sir Sidney, sliding one arm around the man and holding him tight, just in case there were any unexpected after-effects.
But none came. “I am all right. You can let me go.” Sir Sidney’s voice was weak, but not fainting, and he moved away, standing upright on his own two