with some salt and leaf. I makes a paste with cornmeal and wraps it in a cheesecloth. My hands shake when I puts the paste on her cheeks. I scared if I makes a mistake they gonna take me out and beat me. Or sell me down the river. I scared if Mas Watsons friend die he gonna say I the one done kill her.
Jim come long in the wagon. He see how scared I looks and try to get me laughing. Tell me he seen a real good life for me with lots of loving in it. That make me laugh good. First time Jim really do something for me. Fore its all the way me doing for him. But his voice getting deeper and his shoulders thicker. He getting away from his boyhood.
Mas Watson must of seen it too cause he hire Jim out to work the levee. Jim work unloading steamers. We aint sees each other much after that. Mas Watsons friend get better and we goes back to the farm. Jim stay on the waterfront. Thats when my troubles start.
Mas Watson tell Old Miss what a good job I done laying on the leaves. She say if Sadie that good send her to Mas Stevens place and see if she cant work a cure on him. They both laugh when she say that but I shaking all over.
I only seen Mas Stevens once and he aint seen me. He just come to Clear Creek when Mas say he aint really a farmer. Say he kill his horses working them too hard. A wagon pass with two long lines of niggers walking half dead behind it. Mas Stevens got a overseer name of Banes. He a poor white from town used to driving workers at the tobacco factory. He loss his job when he hit a worker with a piece of iron ore. Kill him on the spot. Man he kill name of York. York belong to Judge Durman. Judge say Banes owe him Yorks price. Say nobody gonna kill his slave but him.
We working the fields by the tobacco road when they pass. Tailor tell us not to look. We looks anyhow. They make for a sorrowful sight. Emma change what we singing from work song to mourning song. She use a verse bout Babylon that Preacher Stowe done give us. That way we lets them know we sees them.
After they pass another wagon come by. This one got Mas Stevens driving it. He white with red eyes. He whipping the horses. Cept they aint horses they people. Niggers too beat to cry. We cries for them.
Emma run for the road. Tailor go after her. Nobody know what she fixing to do. Tailor grab her arm and pull her back but he aint hit her. She fall to the ground and he leave her there. Yell at us to keep working. You aint never seen no nigger get beat he say. He shaking when he say it. From that day on I fears Mas Stevens.
More and more Mas Watson send me to work cures for the whites. That way he make more money off me. When white doctor say there aint nothing he can do white folks send for Sadie. They figure I cant makes them no worse. They cussing me all the while I tries to make them better. You stupid girl. You doing it wrong. Dont give me none of that nigger tonic. I ought to learn you some manners.
I scared all the time. I pounds seeds and roots and leaves like my mama learn me. Sometime it work. Sometime no. Them times I waits to see if they gonna take me to jail. Saying I done poison them.
I aint gots no mind to poison no white. I aint wants that trouble. Only niggers talking bout killing ones gone mad from sorrow. Most of us wants to see white folks happy and I aint no different. When they happy they let us be. When they aint then nobody suffer like we does. They find every way to lead us to grief. So I tries my best to keep them peaceable. But most the time it aint in my power.
The other niggers want to know why I aint in the fields. Why she get to go to town. She think she something they say. Spending her time with white folks. Soon she gonna turn white and think we her slaves.
When I works the fields aint nobody by my side. Tailor hard on me cause I spending time indoors and he outside forever. He take every chance to kick and beat me. Nobody seem to mind. I aint gots no mama. I aint gots no Gwen. Cora at the cabins with the children. Jim