My Hero Bear

My Hero Bear Read Online Free PDF

Book: My Hero Bear Read Online Free PDF
Author: Emma Fisher
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Military, Psychics, Werewolves & Shifters
dancing in his eyes.
    “We have to do this the right way. You work for the Society. You know how these things work. We need evidence before we can do anything.”
    “So let me call the Society. We can have people over at your Clan by this afternoon.”
    Rory put her hand on Dylan’s arm. She felt his muscles jerk at her touch, as if he’d been shocked.
    “Please, Dylan, no. I don’t want anyone else involved just yet.”
    “That’s crazy. This is my job. Let the Society help you.”
    She shook her head, fear coursing through her. Dylan had to listen to her on this. Everything depended on it.
    “You said my word is all you need? Well, I’m asking you to trust me. We handle this on our own first, okay?”
    He frowned at her, studying her face for answers. She kept her expression as neutral as possible. Finally, he nodded.
    “I’ll trust you, for now. But if I don’t think we can handle it, I’m calling in the cavalry.”
    A wave of relief flooded through her. She didn’t like lying to Dylan, even after what he’d done to her all those years ago. Still, she couldn’t tell him the truth about her father’s death. If he knew what part she had to play in it, he would turn her over to the Society himself.

Chapter 3
    Jets of hot water cascaded over Rory’s tired muscles. She turned in lazy circles beneath the steaming shower, letting it hit every aching inch of her. The water washed away the grime from her escape, but Rory wished it could wash away her conflicted feelings about Dylan.
    Dylan was cold to her now, but she was sure he had loved her once. A part of her hoped that he still did, but she couldn’t be sure. Maybe he was fighting his feelings for her, the way he had a long time ago.
    It started the way young crushes do. Dylan was her brother’s handsome friend, and young Rory couldn’t get enough of him. He was always bigger and stronger than the other boys. Naturally dominant.
    But he’d always been gentle with Rory. Even when her brother teased her mercilessly like older brothers do, Dylan would step in and stick up for her.
    As she got older, her silly little schoolgirl crush turned into so much more. She knew without a doubt that Dylan was the man for her. When she dreamed about getting married and finding a mate, she always imagined it would be Dylan.
    Eventually, she managed to catch Dylan’s eye. But then, like now, he always seemed to hold back, even when it became clear that he returned her affections.
    Dylan told her that they couldn’t be together because Rory was his best friend’s sister. Dylan felt like it would be a betrayal of Hunter’s trust and brotherhood to get involved with his little sister.
    Rory never gave up. She knew they were right for each other, even if Dylan refused to admit it. Then Rory found out that Dylan and Hunter had volunteered to be a part of some super secret military squad. They wouldn’t be able to tell her what they did or where they went. She would have no idea if they were even alive or dead between missions.
    Just like that, the two most important men in Rory’s life would be gone for at least five years. There was no guarantee that either one of them would make it home.
    Then it happened. Right before Dylan and her brother had to leave, Dylan finally admitted that he returned her feelings.
    He kissed her then. Just one kiss before he left. It was the single best kiss of Rory’s life.
    After that one shared moment of intimacy, Dylan asked Rory to write to him while he was away. He told her that knowing she was waiting for him would help him get through whatever challenges he would face. It would give him something to hold onto. A reason for him to stay alive.
    So she had written to him. All the letters went to some military office in Washington. They would forward her letters to whatever godforsaken country Dylan was stationed in. And Dylan would write
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