My Desperado
ribs—a pain he'd like to believe was nothing more than the scrape of an old pellet against his bones. He had no use for premonitions. "So you just march yourself up to the door and tell Grey how the good mayor died."
    Katherine took an involuntary step backward, her hand fluttering to her chest. "Alone?"
    "You wanted to tell him how you killed old Patterson. Remember?"
    Katherine's bravery was ebbing away, and the small hairs along her arms stood on end. The truth was she didn't know how poor George had died. And she had no wish to try to explain that to anyone that would live in the looming mass of that darkened house. "I've been thinking," she said. "There'd be no reason for me to speak to Grey if you'd promise not to—enlighten him about my part in the incident. You could simply say you found the mayor on the street. That he must have tripped on the broken stair. Bumped his head. Died naturally," she suggested quickly.
    "There's nothing more natural than—"
    "Please," she whispered. "Don't tell."
    Travis stood perfectly still. He couldn't see her clearly in the darkness, but could tell she was a pretty thing. Her hair was dark, long, and braided, her eyes huge and luminous.
    "You might have guessed I ain't the kind of man who does something for nothing," he said quietly, not moving.
    Katherine grasped her frazzled braid in a clammy fist, a nervous habit from childhood. "What do you want from me?"
    Travis smiled. She had the throaty voice of a born seductress, but her eyes were wide with innocence. Stepping nearer, he noticed how each lace of her nightshift had remained tied, making it seem as if she'd done nothing more than step out for a breath of fresh air. Her braid, however, was coming loose, fraying away from confinement as if in testimony to the ordeal she'd come through. He noticed the set of her shoulders, her stiff stance, and passed her by to circle behind.
    There was a light breeze blowing out of the east, and it flattened the woman's nightgown against her tidy body, outlining it perfectly. She had a sweet little bottom, Travis thought with a mental sigh of longing, knowing, no matter what she said, that she was out of his reach. "What can you give me?" he asked, nevertheless.
    Katherine's mind spun. "I don't have any money with me," she whispered.
    Ryland shrugged. "Bartering's a time-honored tradition in these parts."
    It took her several seconds to realize his implied meaning. He was referring to personal favors, she thought in fresh panic. She didn't... She wouldn't... Well, she just couldn't! Could she?
    But her choices were so few and very unfavorable. "I could..." she began, but found she didn't even know the right words to say.
    "You know, lady," Travis said, stepping casually before her again, "most doves I've known have been real bold talkers. Have you always been so tongue-tied?"
    "I'm not tongue-tied," Katherine denied, offended. "My diction is exemplary."
    He was silent for a moment, then, "Right. What's your offer?"
    "A kiss!" she spat out before it could catch on her tongue.
    He laughed. "A kiss?"
    Her mother would simply die if she knew what her daughter had come to, but her mother wouldn't be particularly pleased to learn Katherine Amelia had been hanged for murder either. "But just one..." She held up a singular finger.
    "A kiss?" he repeated, and shook his head as if unable to believe he'd heard properly.
    Have I been too forward? Katherine wondered dismally. Had she shocked him? "I've got no money," she whispered.
    The street was as silent as death.
    "Is it a deal?" Katherine breathed, feeling all her blood had drained to her feet.
    "It'll depend on the kiss."
    "No!" she said, knowing she couldn't kiss worth a hoot, for in truth, she'd never tried, and did not wish to be hanged for lack of ability in that arena. "You have to agree first."
    He tilted his head sharply. "It seems to me I got the upper hand in this bartering business, lady. You'll have to kiss first. I'll decide if
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