My Country Is Called Earth

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Book: My Country Is Called Earth Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lawrence John Brown
years. But when it did, the nations of the world, acting through the United Nations, quickly sent in an international military force. I should add that international peacekeeping was not successful until all the major powers renounced force as a principle of their own foreign policy and until all nations banned the export of weapons and weapons technology. Those two steps were only taken after much opposition, especially in the United States.”
    I asked, “What was done with all the weapons in the world?”
    “Good question,” he replied. “The world could not be secure in peace while all those horribly destructive weapons—nuclear, chemical, biological, and conventional—were still around. But none of the leading powers at first was willing to get rid of their stockpiles of weapons. The debate was bitter, especially in the United States. Eventually this compromise was reached: Most weapons would be dismantled, no new weapons would be built anywhere in the world, and all weapons factories would be converted to peaceful production within five years. The remaining weapons eventually wore out and had to be destroyed. That was how we disarmed. It wasn’t spectacular, but it worked. Time is our friend if we are patient.”
    After he finished we both fell silent for several minutes.
    Exellon began to talk again, but on another subject: “I want to tell you about a friend you can lean on when you need help or advice. I call this friend the inner self or inner voice. I believe it is your direct link to your soul. You can ask it questions and it will provide answers that take into account your own greatest good and the good of others at the same time. It won’t give you stock market tips or tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers. Your inner self will answer such questions as: ‘Should I move to commune X?’ or ‘What did I do to deserve such a headache?’ or ‘Why am I unhappy?’
    “You will learn to consult your inner self before making any important decisions. But you must trust your self, ask your question correctly, and silence your own thoughts before you can use your inner voice effectively. Make your question as specific as possible. You will find it hard to consult your inner voice when you are not relaxed. Many have used their imagination to create an inner voice that taught violence. That is not the true voice of the inner self. The inner self never directs you to harm others.”
    Exellon paused, then continued: “I am sure you have wondered,” he said, “‘Who am I?’ or ‘Where did I come from?’ The answer is that you are a portion of a spiritual being that cannot be contained in one body. That being lives in many times and places at once. What we see of ourselves, therefore, is only a fraction of our entire identity.
    “Life does not need justification—the universe exists because God consciousness desires to express itself. If you are looking for something to do, try to make your world more harmonious and healthy. Begin with your family, your work, and your community.
    “You may find it interesting to attempt to awaken to your identity as a multidimensional creature beyond time and space. Awakening to your identity means understanding the power of your thoughts and dreams. Once you do that, you will realize your potential is essentially unlimited.
    “One more thing.” Exellon looked directly at me. “It is OK to make mistakes. You are human. If you were perfect, you wouldn’t be here.”
    When he finished speaking, I suddenly recalled a dream I had the night before. I was standing on the roof of a house with some friends. My friends walked to the edge of the roof, leaned over with their arms outstretched, and began to fly through the air. I was afraid at first to follow them, but when I lifted my arms I soared into the air too. I took advantage of my new freedom, flying over the land and changing my altitude and direction with only a slight movement of my hands. It was exhilarating to look
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