My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom

My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom Read Online Free PDF

Book: My Blood Approves 4 - Wisdom Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Hocking
won’t do it, then I’ll find somebody else who will. And they might be dangerous. They might kill me. Who knows?”
    “That’s emotional blackmail!” I yelled, and I heard Milo mutter something about her playing dirty.
    “No, it’s a fact! I am getting bit tonight. And if it’s not you, then it’s somebody else.” Jane shrugged and stared at me, as if it didn’t matter to her one way or another.
    The vampire part of me became aware that we were talking about eating and not just eating anything, but fresh, warm, human blood. My stomach twisted happily, and my mouth salivated. When hunger took over, logic went out the window.
    I turned to Jack, knowing that he would be the voice of reason, but he looked at me dismally and shrugged. He wouldn’t be mad at me, and my thirst became more dominant.
    “You promise you’re going to rehab in the morning?” I looked back at Jane.
    “Alice, don’t be stupid!” Milo shouted. He stood at the corner a ways behind us, and Bobby had to rein him in.
    “I promise,” Jane nodded, and for the first time in a long time, I saw a glint of happiness in her eyes. The only thing that gave her any pleasure was being bitten.
    “I’m never doing this again,” I warned her, and Jack sighed loudly.
    Jane nodded again, and with that, I swooped in to bite her. I pushed her back against the silver windows of the building, slamming her body harder than I needed to. She gasped, and I sunk my teeth into her neck. It was the first time I had ever consciously bitten anyone, and I was surprised by how natural it came to me.
    The instant her blood started coursing through my veins, wonderful heat burned through me. It was an insatiable pleasure that flowed right from her blood and all over me. Her heartbeat echoed in my ears, pounding along with mine.
    All her emotions ran over me, and she felt scared and small and helpless. She was out of control and terrified of what she would become. More than anything, she felt alone and unloved.
    I snapped back from the bite, which is harder than it sounds. I hadn’t drunk from her for very long, and I had a maniacal urge to latch back on. Wiping her blood from my mouth, I took a step back, and Jack’s arms went around me to steady me.
    Eating always made me woozy. Fresh blood hit me harder, and Jane’s sadness and depression weighed down on me.
    “Why’d you stop?” Jane slumped against the wall, sliding down onto the snow. Blood seeped from her neck, and the air smelled deliciously of her. If Jack hadn’t had his arms around me, I would’ve gone in for more.
    Milo and Bobby rushed over to take care of Jane before she passed out in the snow. I wasn’t that far from losing consciousness myself, so Jack suggested everybody get home. Milo knew where Jane lived, so he and Bobby were in charge of getting her there safely.
    Jack half-carried me back to the car, and the whole time, I mumbled about how sad she was and that I’d only made everything worse.
    Jane called me two days later from rehab. She claimed heroin addiction, because she said that sounded the closest to what she was going through.
    On my end, the conversation was awkward. I’d taken advantage of her, like she had been some drunken one night stand, and that made me feel dirty in all the wrong ways. Towards the end, she thanked me for biting her.
    “As strange as it sounds, that’s the closest I’ve felt to anyone in a really long time,” Jane said. Her voice was tinny from the bad connection with the landline at the rehab center. “I don’t mean in a perverse way, but… Everything I did, I was just looking to feel like someone cared about me, I think. And you were the first person that ever did. I could feel it.
    “So, thank you.” She laughed nervously. “God, that sounds so stupid to say. But whatever. I’m really gonna work this shit, and I’ll be out in a few weeks. And then we totally need to go shopping.”
    After that, we managed to fall into something that felt like
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