My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Price
didn't know to what extent. I was not one to read the gossip magazines, so I never kept up with people's personal lives. The only Hollywood news I read was industry business news; that was all that mattered to me.
    “Who the fuck is this?” she yelled.
    “Casey calm the fuck down. Don't talk to her like that. Rosalyn, I'm so sorry. Casey you need to leave now…” Jackson said as he got in front of her and began to try to wrangle her back out the front door. My heart was beating so fast and I was terrified. Not that she would do something to physically harm me, I was terrified that I had let this escalate. I knew not to get involved with this man, and here I was in a scandalous situation that could ruin my career. It was bad enough that I was forming feelings for this man who had a past with many women who were considered A-list celebrities in Hollywood. That was not good for my self-esteem, and it wouldn't be for anyone else’s either.
    I put on my shoes with the idea that I was going to sneak out of there while they fought. I didn't need to be here trying to claim Jackson as my territory. There was no point. She obviously wasn't going to leave, and she was looking for a fight. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction, or him the satisfaction of having two women fight over him. I learned a long time ago that when I am in any situation where I feel uncomfortable, I can exercise my right to leave. I could just ghost out of there with no explanation to anyone, I had to put me first. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my laptop, screenplay, and notes quietly into it. I could hear them yelling and screaming at each other but I blocked it out in order to not be alarmed, I only heard bits and pieces. “Why have you not returned my phone calls?” she yelled. “It's over, you have to understand that…” He yelled back.
    “No, it's not. What am I supposed to tell my son, who you have become so close to?” She yelled to which he replied, “oh yes, your son, who you adopted and want me to play baby daddy to only when you are single. When you were dating and dumped me for Shane Price, you weren't so concerned with how your son would take suddenly to not seeing me… You were only using your son to manipulate me… I won't stand for it anymore.”
    That was the last thing I heard him say as I managed to sneak around them and open the front door, which got both of their attention. However, before both of them could say anything to me, I shut the door behind me. I heard them both yelling, and some of the things that were said seemed to be directed at me. She seemed to say something like, “yeah, get the fuck outta here, whore,” and I think he yelled something like, “don't go!” However, that could've just been my mind wanting him to say that. I quickly got in my car and drove away. It was only until I was down the road headed towards my apartment that I exhaled and felt like I could show any emotion. I don't know why I burst into tears, I think it was just the drastic tension and energy of the situation that got to me. I was shaking like a leaf. I was usually much tougher than this, but this was different. I was beginning to be scared, that this man had touched my heart. Was it just because I had a crush on him since I was a teenager? Or was it something more? It didn't matter now. I concentrated on the road and got myself back to my apartment, only a mile away from his place. I was glad for the close distance in this situation. 
    Once I was safe inside my apartment, I was able to fully process what had happened. Everything was going so well, according to my dreams of decades. Jackson was not only having a great time working on the screenplay and character development with me, but we also just clicked. It was as if we had known each other for a very long time. It was both exhilarating and frightening. I had rarely felt like this with many people so to feel this way with my Hollywood crush was note worthy.
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