Murder, She Wrote Domestic Malice

Murder, She Wrote Domestic Malice Read Online Free PDF

Book: Murder, She Wrote Domestic Malice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donald Bain
that I have,” I said. “My bad guys, or gals, are usually murderers.”
    “Just thought I’d ask. What did you think of the council meeting the other night?”
    I smiled. I knew that Evelyn must have had another reason for calling. “I was happy that funding for the shelter passed,” I said.
    “And what did you think of Mr. Mauser?”
    “Oh, he likes to let off steam and pontificate. Fortunately cooler heads prevail when it comes to voting.”
    She lowered her voice. “Keep a secret, Jess?”
    I sighed. It looked like this was another day of secrets. “I’ll do my best,” I said.
    “Edwina may not have had any proof behind her accusations at the town council meeting, but I hear that the federal government, the EPA, is getting ready to launch an investigation into Mauser’s company and whether it’s polluting the river, a follow-up to the state’s investigation last year.”
    “If he’s polluting the river, he should be investigated, but as I recall, the state decided that he wasn’t, at least beyond acceptable EPA guidelines.”
    “Rumor has it that he bought off the state inspector.”
    “Rumors aren’t fact, Evelyn, as you well know.”
    “Of course. I can’t print it without a confirmation. Just thought you’d be interested.”
    “I am, and thanks for sharing it with me.”
    “Got to run,” she said. “The library is exhibiting Richard Koser’s photographs and there’s a luncheon.”
    “Richard takes wonderful photos. I’ll make a point of stopping by later in the week.”
    By the time I’d rearranged the closet and determined which mop head actually fit the handle, on top of finishing other chores around the house, the day was gone. I met up with Seth for a quick bite before attending a meeting of the Cabot Cove River Preservation Commission, which I’d been invited to join. It was obvious from the opening minutes that I wasn’t the only person in town sworn to secrecy by Evelyn Phillips about the possibility that the EPA might be poised to investigate Richard Mauser’s factory and its alleged role in polluting the river. Everyone on the commission knew about it, and a spirited discussion ensued. It was eventually agreed that the commission should do nothing until the EPA formally announced its intention, at which time they would do what they could to support the investigation.
    I sat on my glassed-in porch after returning home from the meeting, sipping a tall glass of lemonade, and finished reading a novel I’d started days ago. It occurred to me as I closed the cover and headed inside that it was possible to become so involved in a community’s affairs that there was little room left for other things—like writing murder mystery novels—and that maybe it was time to start my next book. I’d been developing a plot for it, and its twists and turns kept me from falling asleep until long after I’d gotten into bed.
    I would have slept a little longer the next morning were it not for the ringing phone. I glanced at my digital alarm clock: seven thirty. Who’d be calling at that hour?
    I picked up the phone and heard Edwina Wilkerson say, “Jessica?”
    “Hello, Edwina.”
    “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
    “It’s time that I was getting up anyway.”
    “I have terrible news.”
    I sat up straight and said, “What is it?”
    “Josh Wolcott has been murdered!”

Chapter Five
    I t’s me again. I was the one who suggested that you kill your husband before he kills you. Have you done it yet? Of course not. You don’t even have the guts to leave him. —Anonymous
    * * *
    There’s nothing like being told that someone you know has been murdered to bring you fully awake and to get the blood flowing. Maybe “blood” is the wrong word to use. “Juices” would be more appropriate.
    I sat on the edge of the bed. “How do you know?” I asked Edwina.
    “My brother Alfred called me.” Her brother, who lived outside of town, was a ham radio fanatic who spent time when
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