the rounds, since the marshal’s laid up and all.”
Doc and Daisy stared at Bosco’s departing figure. “Bosco and Mrs. Courtney?” they said in unison, and both laughed.
Cole didn’t understand what was so danged funny. Bosco wasn’t the brightest candle in the room but he wasn’t mean or ugly.
Daisy and Doc smiled at each other much too long. The doctor especially vexed him, seeming to find any opportunity to be near her.
Cole shrugged off the vest and rid himself, at least temporarily, of the incriminating badge. Too bad he couldn’t rid himself of the whole dag-gone town.
He glowered out the window and searched for something to divert his attention. Bosco strutted across the street, looking mighty tickled with himself, for sure. Two men crossed his path, and hopped off the boardwalk in the direction of the saloon down the street.
Something about those men seemed damned familiar. He squinted, studying their faces.
The miners! Pork er and Gib Rankin, the brothers who sluiced his ranch’s creek into a muddy dribble, had come to Oreana.
Then an idea occurred to him. As marshal, he could make their lives hell, the same amount of hell they’d caused him. Being marshal of Oreana could have its advantages.
Chapter 3
Tired of Mrs. Courtney’s incessant complaining, Daisy turned her back to the widow, unwrapped another bottle of patent medicine and plopped it on the shelf beside the others. “He’s getting better every day,” she protested. Too bad the old bat couldn’t keep her trap shut, but Daisy doubted that would ever happen until the self-righteous widow drew her last breath.
“We should just swear Deputy Kunkle in as marshal and be done with it. At least he’s a fully functional man.” Mrs. Courtney picked up her dry goods and left the store, much to Daisy’s relief.
Sarah, standing safely back from the widow’s path, stepped up to the counter. “We have to do something before she causes even more trouble.”
“But he’s only been here a week.” Daisy shoved another bottle on the shelf, and opened a new box of medicines. “You can’t expect him to get well in such a short time.”
“Maybe so, but the boarders were talking about it last night at supper. I’d say if you want the new marshal to keep his job, you’d better find a way to get him on his feet. And fast.”
Unfortunately, Daisy knew Sarah was right. She tried to concentrate on her task, but all she could think about was how she could get the marshal healthy—her entire future depended on it! When she unwrapped another bottle from the new box, the label caught her notice:
The DR. LIEBIG Private Dispensary
400 Geary St., San Francisco , Cal .
“Sarah, I think we have our answer! Listen to this. “Nervous Debility, Impotency, Seminal Losses, Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Development, Impediments to Marriage, etc. from excesses or youthful follies, or any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured.”
“He doesn’t look too nervous.”
“No, but maybe he doesn’t show it.” Daisy concentrated on the next word, trying to decipher its meaning. “Do you suppose Impotency means general weakness? After all if a medicine is potent, that means it’s strong. So impotency would mean that a man has lost his strength.”
Sarah nodded. “Must be. And he can’t be all that strong with a hole in his leg.” She picked up another bottle, unwrapped it, and studied the label. “Why on earth do you need a cure for not wanting to be a preacher?”
“Well,” Sarah explained, “it says Seminal Losses . I guess that must refer to men who have quit seminary school.”
Daisy shrugged. She didn’t know, either, so she studied the label again. “This medicine sounds like just the thing to speed his recovery, especially if it removes any Impediments to Marriage —although I don’t know how on earth it could do that. Mama says love potions are
Katherine Alice Applegate