Mr. Darcy's Proposal
being pleased.”
    “So you are determined to mend your ways in hopes she will change her mind about you. That should prove interesting! How do you plan to accomplish this magical trick?”
    Darcy sighed and leaning back in his chair, stretched his long legs out in front of him. “Her family is in a very difficult position. When her father dies and Collins inherits, he will most certainly want them out of the house as quickly as possible so he can take over. I know through other sources that the family will have a very limited income, so I am sure she must be concerned about how they will manage.”
    “I am surprised at you. You have always despised anyone you thought was just after your fortune. Now you are hoping she will marry you because of it?”
    “I am ashamed to say it is true. I plan to entice her into accepting me by offering her mother and sisters my protection. Once we are married, I will somehow find a way to win her love. I think, in spite of what she says, there is an attraction there on her part, too. I had a hint of it when we were talking that evening at the parsonage and again when we stopped at the inn. I only hope I am right.”
    “I think you have lost your mind, Darcy.”
    He looked at his cousin and shook his head. “No, it is my heart that is lost.”
    “Very well. Get on your horse and ride for Hertfordshire tomorrow. If this is what you truly want, you best go after it whole-heartedly or else you will wonder later why you did not try hard enough.”
    “That is exactly my plan, but first, I have a call to make in the morning to correct the injury I have done my friend, Bingley. I know I am risking his friendship, but I cannot in good conscience leave this as it is. He has a right to know that Miss Bennet’s feelings for him were real.”
    The cousins talked until nearly midnight and then retired. Darcy’s dreams that night were filled with Elizabeth. He saw her at Pemberley walking the grounds with him, sitting across the dining room table, playing at the pianoforte in the music room. In each of his dreams, her eyes were bright with love as she looked at him.

    When Elizabeth finally arrived at Longbourn, she and Jane embraced giving each other comfort.
    “I am so glad you have come home.” As they walked into the house, Jane seemed to read the unspoken question on her sister’s face. “Oh, Lizzy, I am so sorry to have to tell you this. The doctor says his heart has been so weakened that while he may live for a few weeks or possibly months, he will certainly never recover.”
    Elizabeth’s heart sank. This could not be happening. How could she go on without her beloved father? What would become of their family? Elizabeth noticed how exhausted Jane looked and was glad she was now home to share the burden.
    “Jane, you must be very tired from all you have had to bear by yourself, but I am here now, and we will manage together somehow.”
    “You cannot imagine my relief to have you home.”
    “I am almost afraid to ask about our mother.”
    “I think everyone from here to Meryton has heard her weeping. She is so irrational that she is no better than a patient herself,” said Jane.
    “Let me take over now so you can rest. I suspect you have barely slept these past few days.”
    “Do not worry about me, Lizzy. Let me take you to see Papa. Mostly, he sleeps but occasionally he wakes and has been able to speak to us a little. He has asked for you several times.”
    Together, Elizabeth and Jane went up to their father’s bedchamber where they found him asleep. Going immediately to his side, Elizabeth knelt down and took his hand in hers.
    “Papa, I am here. Your Lizzy is home. Everything will be fine now.” She laid her cheek against his hand, and tears formed in spite of her resolution to remain calm. Pulling a handkerchief from her pocket, she patted her eyes dry. As she was refolding it, she realized it was one of Mr. Darcy’s, embroidered with his initials, FD, and a
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