Move Your Blooming Corpse

Move Your Blooming Corpse Read Online Free PDF

Book: Move Your Blooming Corpse Read Online Free PDF
Author: D. E. Ireland
“Very well, but I’ll have to hurry. It’s close to post time.”
    â€œI trust you’ll manage, Gordon. You run nearly as fast as the horses. If this horse takes the Gold Cup, we’ll have won twice today. First, the Dublin Dancer—”
    â€œDonegal Dancer,” Higgins corrected.
    She shot Higgins a flirtatious smile. “The Donegal Dancer and whatever the other horse is called.”
    â€œTracery,” Eliza and Higgins said in unison.
    â€œWhat a strange thing to call a horse.” Diana tugged at her husband’s lapel. “Now run off and place a bet on that animal with the dreadful name.”
    Without another word, Longhurst hurried away.
    â€œFaster, sweetheart!” Diana looked at them with a smug smile. “Gordon was a runner at Cambridge. He’s so fast, the man never misses a train no matter how late I make him.”
    â€œThe Professor and I should go,” Eliza said. “By the way, this is—”
    â€œWill you take me to see my horse, Maitland?” Diana smiled at Lord Saxton, who had just thrown back another glass of champagne. “I am certain there is a great deal you can teach me about horses.” She pressed closer to him. “And stables.”
    â€œDiana? What in the world are you doing here?” Jonathon Turnbull marched over to join them.
    An intense man, his dark goatee and even darker eyes lent him a devilish appearance. Unlike the affable Lord Saxton, Turnbull treated everyone with indifference or contempt. When they were introduced earlier this morning, Eliza couldn’t leave his presence fast enough.
    â€œI thought you were not coming to the race today, Diana,” Turnbull said.
    She gave a careless shrug. “I changed my mind. Besides, I wanted to see my horse run. Or should I say our horse. After all, you were the one who convinced me to join the syndicate.”
    â€œDiana has every right to be at Ascot,” Saxton said. “Now clear off and leave us alone.”
    Turnbull looked at Saxton with a vicious expression. “Move away from her or I’ll make you regret it. Besides, you’re so drunk, you’re barely able to stand.”
    â€œEven drunk, I could knock you into the dirt.” He sneered, although he proved the truth of Turnbull’s accusation by nearly falling over. “And Diana likes to keep me close.”
    Turnbull brushed her aside and stood toe-to-toe with Saxton. “I wonder a drunken sod like you even dare speak to her, let alone touch her.”
    â€œI do a damn sight more than just touch her.”
    â€œThis is not the place for such an absurd conversation,” Higgins said sternly. “All of you have spouses attending the race. They don’t deserve to be humiliated like this.”
    Eliza caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. A brown-haired woman in a lavender walking suit watched them. Eliza recognized her as Turnbull’s wife, Rachel. Although Eliza had met her earlier in Lord Saxton’s viewing box, the woman barely spoke a word.
    Diana giggled. “How exciting. Two gentlemen want to fight for my honor.”
    Eliza felt a wave of pity for Mrs. Turnbull. “I wouldn’t think you had any honor left to fight for, Miss Price,” she said in a loud voice.
    Higgins made a choking sound.
    Diana’s silly smile vanished. “How dreary you all are, spoiling my lovely day at the races. If the boys wish to behave like pugilists, I will go off to the stables and see my horse.”
    When she passed Eliza, her blue eyes seemed as unfocused as Saxton’s. The singer was as drunk as he was.
    â€œI wouldn’t go after her, Turnbull,” Saxton said. “Not with your wife watching.”
    Turnbull looked over his shoulder in time to see her slip into the crowd. “Rachel! Rachel, come back here!” He grabbed Saxton by the lapels of his morning coat. “Stay away from Diana.”
    Cursing under his
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