Mitch you already know. Will’s the newest member
of our club, everyone, so help him get used to everything, okay?”
“Sure thing,” Steve said, giving Will a nod and a smile.
“Hey!” Ace said, suddenly recognizing Will. “You’re the kid who bought my bike!”
“Well, technically, it wasn’t exactly
bike….” Will fumbled, suddenly feeling a little panicky.
“Ha, ha! Hey, just kidding,” Ace said, grinning and throwing an arm around Will’s shoulder. “No hard feelings. I’ll get over
it. In fact, check out the replacement!” He showed off his new bike — a gleaming green “Mean Machine,” as the decal read.
It was a hot bike, all right. “Right off my dad’s rack. I’m testing this baby out for him. Oh, yeah — and welcome to the club,
Will.” He showed Will a complicated handshake. “That’s how we do it, okay?”
“Sure,” Will said, happy Ace wasn’t still sore about the bike.
“And if you need any help on the trail, I’m there — anytime, all the time.”
“Thanks, Ace.”
“Okay,” Gail said. “Now that everyone’s here and acquainted, let me go over our schedule for the week. Today we’re going out
to Shepard Lake Trail —”
“Aw, come on,” Ace interrupted her. “Forget that — it’s too easy. Flat as a pancake. Why can’t we do some hills?”
Gail shot him a look. “We have a beginner with us today,” she said pointedly. “So I thought we’d start him off easy, till
he’s used to his new bike and understands how we do things.”
Ace clicked his tongue and shook his head, but he didn’t argue any further.
Gail ignored him and continued. “Then on Friday, we’ll do the ski trails on Slide Mountain.”
“Yeah, that’s more like it!” Ace commented, satisfied.
Will could barely contain his excitement. He was glad they were starting slow. But a large part of him, like Ace, couldn’t
wait to barrel down a steep slope with the wind in his face and his bike in full flight.
“Well, let’s get going,” Ace said. “I can at least get some speed practice.”
“You’d better not,” Gail warned him. “You know Shepard Lake Trail is full of hikers and horses.” Ace didn’t reply, so she
turned to the rest of the club. “Okay, bike check,” Gail said, and they all dismounted to begin looking over their bikes.
“This is a routine we do every time before we go out,” Gail explained to Will. “We have a safety checklist: skewers must be
tight, quick release levers pointed to the rear, so they don’t snag on anything. Tires pumped up, brakes working properly.
Helmets fitted snugly. Kit on board… who’s going to carry the kit today?” she asked, hoisting a small day pack.
“What’s in the kit?” Will asked.
“First aid,” Gail told him. “Along with tools, spare inner tubes in case one of us gets a flat, loose change in case we need
to make an emergency phone call. Stuff like that.”
“I didn’t know you had to be that prepared,” Will said.
“Well, not so much for today,” she explained. “But when we go farther from town, like to SlideMountain or the reservation, it could be crucial.” She gave the kit to Mitch, who had raised his hand, volunteering to carry
it. Then she looked up at the sky. “Last minute check of the weather… looks good… and we’re ready to go!”
She threw a leg over the bike and hauled off across the athletic field, heading for the road that led to Shepard Lake. Ace
turned his bike around to follow her. “I don’t know why she always has to lead,” he grumbled. “It’s like having a scoutmaster
watching over you.”
“Yeah,” Mitch said, nodding. And Steve seemed to agree as well, although he didn’t say anything. They all took off, one after
the other, following Gail. Juliette and Candy came after, and Will brought up the rear.
“Don’t worry,” Juliette called out to Will over her shoulder. “If you fall too far behind, we’ll stop until you