it, doesn’t want the government involved at all.”
“Doesn’t she know that the kid won’t ever be insured unless she can prove it was born in a hospital?”
“Well, not till it turns eighteen and can get its own anyway. Yeah, of course she knows. Like I said, she’s got money. She’s just one of those conspiracy theory nut jobs. Thinks she’s living in the fucking X-Files or some shit. Despises the government. Even more than you do, Champ.” Drizzle laughed while Ed chewed moodily on his toothpick.
“You’d better not be yanking my chain, Drizzle,” he said after a while.
“Scout’s honor, bossman. That’s what the girl said. And hey, she’s a fan. Ordered a poster of you winning the belt against Tolberg. That poster is a big seller, you know.”
“Great,” Ed said. He didn’t know if it was great or not. It was true Drizzle sent him a check every few months for whatever profits he made with his little fan club venture, but it was never any amount of money that Ed paid attention to. Chump change was all it was. “How long are we gonna have to sit here? Any idea?”
“Shouldn’t be long. The chick said she was pretty close right before I called you.”
“So, what am I supposed to do? Go rushing in there like a fucking gang-buster? Kick the fucking door in? What?”
“It’s unlocked, man. Shit, give me some credit. I’m not a total moron, you know.”
Ed grunted, watching the light in the attic window of the abandoned house. “They have electricity in there?”
“Lady got it turned on just for the occasion.”
“How many people in there? Any men?”
Drizzle shrugged. “The girl didn’t say.”
“Well, fuck me blind!” Ed shouted. “How the hell am I supposed to go in there and punch her if she’s surrounded by mooks with guns or some fucking shit? You trying to get me killed?”
“Will you relax, man? I think she would have mentioned dudes with guns, Champ. She’s pissed at her mom. Why’d you think she’s a Dime anyway?”
“Fuck!” Ed continued to hiss and sputter until they saw the light blink on and off several times.
“Shit!” Drizzle exclaimed. “This is it, Champ! Let’s rock and roll!”
Ed exited the car reluctantly and cautiously looked up and down the street for anything that seemed suspicious. “If there’s anyone with weapons in there, Drizzle, the deal is off.”
“Man, you think I’d be going in if there was gonna be that kind of trouble? You really think I’m some kind of loser, don’t you?”
“Now that you mention it, yeah, I do.”
Drizzle gave Ed a dirty look that made Ed like him just a tad more and then they were carefully climbing what was left of the stairs and entering the dilapidated house.
Inside, it was nearly too dark too see and they had to take every step gingerly to keep from tripping and falling and, most likely, breaking something.
“You didn’t think to bring a flashlight, huh smart guy?” Ed whispered.
“No. Did you?”
As they ascended the stairs, Ed began to think about a career change. Maybe working in a factory wouldn’t be so bad. Sure as hell couldn’t be any worse than this shit.
Then he thought about all those other guys who would gladly take his job, gladly punch women as hard as they fucking could just because their own mommies didn’t hug them enough when they were little or because they couldn’t get a date in high school, and now every woman on the planet had to pay for it.
If only I didn’t have a conscience, Ed thought. Then I could walk away from this job and never look back, not give a damn if women got their heads caved in by some loser with a small dick and a huge grudge against half the human population.
He was still having his inner war when they reached the top floor.
Drizzle stepped back