headed off to the grocery store. Dylan so did not deserve the way people treated him.
Her brother had always been the only one she could truly count on. She wasn’t going to let him down. She was going to clear his name if it was the last thing she did.
She hurried through grocery shopping then went to the post office next. Missy Nasher, who’d always taken special pleasure in spreading rumors about her, stood at the end of the line.
If Missy saw her from the corner of her eye, she didn’t acknowledge her. Instead, she backed right into Molly and knocked the package from her hand.
“Oh,” she said as she turned around. Not sorry . Then put her nose in the air as she turned her back again, as if Molly was beneath her notice.
Missy struck up a conversation with the old woman in front of her about what a shame it was that the sheriff’s department was getting cut when crime was so obviously rampant in town. A direct dig at Dylan, no doubt.
Molly gritted her teeth, keeping her mouth shut. When the paper printed an apology, Missy and the rest of them would stand corrected.
Whatever people say about others, it always tells more about them than the person they’re speaking about. Wasn’t that what she always told Logan?
“How are you doing, Molly? I’m really sorry about your brother.”
She turned to the man behind her, feeling ridiculously grateful for the kind words. Her muscles relaxed a little as she smiled her gratitude at Kenny Davis, the Pebble Creek sheriff. “Thank you, Kenny.”
Kenny had gone to high school with Dylan. Good to see that he, at least, wasn’t turning his back on that friendship.
He gave her a warm smile. “How are things at the ranch?”
“All right.” She didn’t want to discuss her latest troubles with half a dozen people listening in.
“Old Woodward still renting?”
She didn’t work the whole ranch, couldn’t have handled it on her own. She had her gardens and a handful of animals. Most of her income came from what Henry Woodward paid her for renting her land as additional grazing ground for his steers. “He doesn’t get out much anymore. His sons have taken over,” she said.
“Any trouble with rustlers?”
“Not that I heard of.” With the economy being what it was, rustling was coming back, like in the old days.
Missy gave two letters to the postmaster, paid and left with head held at a haughty angle.
Molly stepped up to the window at last and handed over her package, returning a pair of boots she’d ordered online that turned out to be too large.
She said goodbye to Kenny on her way out, but he caught up with her again in the parking lot. His police cruiser stood next to her old pickup.
“I was heading over to grab some coffee.” He gestured with his head toward the diner across the road. “How about it? I have a horse that needs to be boarded. I hoped we might be able to talk about that.”
She hesitated for a moment. The diner. Did she want to put herself through that? The speculative glances... If someone said something nasty about her brother, God help her—
Oh, to hell with it. She wasn’t going to run and hide. She had a life in this town. She was going to raise her son here. She had just as much right to be at the diner as anybody else did, regardless of what they all erroneously thought about her brother.
Nobody would accost her with the sheriff by her side, would they?
She forced a smile onto her face. “That would be nice.” And she kept that smile as they walked across the road together.
Kenny wasn’t overly tall, just a few inches taller than she. In high school, he’d been quite the heartthrob. He’d paid no attention to her back then, of course. None of her brother’s friends on the football team had. They had their eyes on the cheerleaders. She’d been just a scrawny kid to them.
Despite the years that had passed since, he was still handsome, more handsome in the traditional sense than Moses Mann. Two of Kenny could have