position that would induce sleep. When that failed, she had
risen early and now, several hours later, was feeling the
consequences of the fretful night.
Then there was Tom Paris' startled voice over the comm-
"Bridge to Captain, we have a rapidly approaching"-and then
a horrendous explosion.
Sparks flew from her monitor. The lights went out entirely
and then were replaced with low-level emergency lighting.
Janeway made her way to the door even as the ship shuddered
and jolted, threatening to throw her off balance.
The doors flew open at her approach and she stumbled onto
the bridge. "Report," she barked, noting as she did that
smoke was filling the space; one officer was unconscious on
the ground.
"A Kazon vessel, Captain. It stayed in high warp until the
last second, then dropped out and attacked. We were sitting
ducks." She knew Chakotay was already handling the
situation, rerouting power, activating defensive systems,
and assigning damage control.
"Taking evasive action, Captain." Tom Paris' hands flew
over his controls as he skilfully maneuvered the ship. "But
we've taken damage to the impulse engines."
"Shields at fifty-seven percent, hull breaches on decks
four and fifteen. There are reports of casualties on all
Lieutenant Rollins said crisply; he was filling in for
Tuvok at Tactical. "Prepare to return fire. Ready forward
phaser banks."
Janeway swung into action, her mind automatically moving
in!combat mode. "Fire at will, Mr. Rollins."
"Aye, Captain, firing forward-was A sudden volley of
explosions overwhelmed the rest of what he said. She
couldn't even be sure he had fired the phasers. In spite of
Paris' manuevers at the conn, the Kazon ship was still with
them. Two consoles exploded and several more went dead.
Smoke battled the filtering system and won.
"Shields at thirty-four percent. Hull breaches on decks
three through fifteen. Weapons arrays offline."
"Captain, we can't hold out. We'd better try to get out of
here." Chakotay's voice was implacable as he suggested
retreat. "Agreed, Captain," chimed in Paris. "At least
we've got warp drive now; who knows how much longer before
we're dead in the water?"
Janeway hesitated briefly. The away team was still on the
planet. She didn't want to abandon them, but if they stayed
where they were they could be destroyed, and certainly of
no help to the crew on the ground if that happened.
"Janeway to Tuvok," she intoned, but there was no reply.
"The long-range comm system is down, Captain," said
Rollins. Another bone-shuddering jolt rattled them, and
Janeway wasted no more time.
"Set a course for that planetary nebula we passed,
Lieutenant. Then put us into rapid high warp-let's see if
we can't catch them napping."
"Yes, ma'am." Janeway noted that Paris smiled slightly;
she knew there was nothing he enjoyed more than outfoxing
an enemy with his piloting skills. And she also realized he
knew she wasn't abandoning Harry and the othersshe wouldn't
quit until she had them back. Now they had to lick their
wounds and make repairs, and taking cover in the nebula was
the only prudent course.
The sudden leap to warp did indeed catch the Kazon by
surprise; Voyager had several minutes' advantage and was
able to enter the planetary nebula, which, with its clumps
of star matter millions of kilometers across, offered a
perfect hiding place. They entered the massive, stately
plumes of gas and were safely concealed deep within the
dark dust lanes of the nebula before the Kazon ships
realized what had happened. Janeway made sure repair teams
were in action, checked with the doctor as to the number of
wounded and the severity of their injuries, then met with
the bridge officers. Her plan was straightforward enough:
make repairs and regain strength, then get back to the
planet as soon as possible, hoping to outmaneuver the Kazon
and beam up their away team.
She was amused when Chakotay "ordered" her to