More Than Rum (The Maple Leaf Series Book 3)

More Than Rum (The Maple Leaf Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: More Than Rum (The Maple Leaf Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christine DePetrillo
lightning to her senses. She broke out in
yet another fresh sweat and had to reach for her glass of wine to keep from
combusting on Wendie’s couch.
    A cat hopped up on the armrest
beside Hope and she jumped. When the thing scrabbled across her lap, then Sage’s
and Orion’s, only to dive off the other armrest and run up the stairs in a
multicolored blur, Adam shook his head, the spell now broken.
    Pointing his fork at the
stairs, he said, “Told you Frisco was psycho.”
    “He’s not psycho,” Wendie said.
“He’s… energetic.”
    “My father’s still slightly
afraid of him,” Orion said. “Frisco will forever be known as Devil Cat.”
    “But your father can make
friends with Rick’s coyote,” Sage said. “Go figure.”
    “I think I need a pet,” Hope
said, completely unaware she was going to share that information aloud. Hell,
it was news to her. She loved Poe, Rick’s coyote, and Ranger, Orion’s Greater
Swiss Mountain dog, but she’d never considered owning a pet herself. A canine
companion of her own might be just what she needed, though a Marine companion
sounded way better. Unfortunately, those were much tougher to adopt.
    “One of my nurse friends has a
Dalmatian that had puppies,” Wendie said. “She’s ready to get them into homes.
I went over there once already, and they are crazy cute. You want to take a
look?” She sat in the chair opposite the couch and next to Adam.
    “Okay,” Hope and Sage said
    “Umm, we have a dog, dear,”
Orion said to Sage.
    “I know, but I still want to
take a look with Hope. They’re puppies , Orion. Who doesn’t want to look
at puppies? I’m taking Myah too.” Sage sipped her wine then said, “And yes, we
can look without taking anything home.”
    “If you say so.” Orion shook
his head.
    “I do.” Sage held up her hand
to him. “And see this lovely ring right here? It means you have to listen to
what I say until death do us part.”
    “I haven’t said, ‘I do’ yet,
lady.” He pushed her hand away, but his blue eyes were full of humor… and love.
    Hope hated being jealous of her
sister, but it was hard not to be when everyone was paired off so neatly, and
she was adrift in a leaky rowboat by herself. She looked at Wendie sitting across
from her. Though older than Hope, she was actually in the same category—the
Alone category. Maybe they could move in together and be a modern day Laverne
and Shirley.
    “Okay, how about tomorrow?”
Wendie asked. “I know my friend is eager to clear the house of puppies, and if
we get there first, you’ll be able to play with them all and select the best
one for you.”
    “Sounds good,” Hope said. At
least now she had something besides building websites on her agenda for
    But there was a whole night to
get through first before tomorrow and puppies came. A long, dark, cold night
where she was sure sleep would not be a visitor. She wasn’t afraid now,
surrounded by her family and friends and… Adam, but as soon as she went home
and got into her own bed in her own room with her mother all the way
downstairs, it was going to be a different story.
    “Could I get more wine?” Hope
asked, because that was the only plan she had.
    “Sure.” Wendie started to get
up, but Hope signaled for her to stay seated.
    “I can get it.”
    “There are several bottles in
the rack on the counter. Take your pick and bring the bottle back.” Wendie shook
her own almost empty wineglass.
    Hope saluted her and wandered
into the kitchen. She walked to the sink, set her glass down, and gripped both
her hands on the rim of the sink. Taking a few deep breaths, she stared out the
window into the darkness until she got freaked.
    I am safe. I am safe.
    She rolled her shoulders then
went to the wine rack and slid out a few bottles until she found a cabernet
that looked appealing. She nearly dropped the bottle when a hand settled on her
shoulder. Fortunately, another hand—a big, rough man
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