More Than a Dream

More Than a Dream Read Online Free PDF

Book: More Than a Dream Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauraine Snelling
Tags: Ebook, book
thoughts returned to the challenge Reverend Mohn had given to all the students the final day of classes. He’d read the Beatitudes from Matthew, his rich voice making the word blessed one of great desire and approbation. Thorliff knew them well, since Pastor Solberg in all his school years had insisted on his students memorizing large portions of the Scriptures. But memorizing and what he’d heard that day were two different things entirely, although knowing the words helped understand the challenge.
    ‘‘My challenge to each of you is that you choose one of these Beatitudes and live it out. Let it permeate deep down into your heart and soul so that you check your thoughts and actions against the words of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. What does He mean? Not only what do the words mean, but what is Christ saying to you? How can living the Beatitudes make a difference in your life?’’ He paused to let his words sink in and then began to pray. ‘‘Father God, I ask thee to reveal thy words to our hearts and souls that we might live lives that honor thee. As Christ taught those crowds upon the hillside of Galilee, so teach us now. In thy name we pray, amen.’’
    He opened his eyes and looked around the room, meeting each of their eyes. ‘‘Now, each one make your choice, and I’ll look forward to our discussions on this topic with those of you returning in the fall. God bless you today and always and especially as you finish preparing for your exams.’’
    ‘‘You don’t suppose he really means for us to choose one,’’ Benjamin, Thorliff’s best friend at the school, turned to ask Thorliff as they filed out of the room.
    ‘‘I think he does. You know he always says to study the particular so you can understand the general. Which are you going to choose?’’
    ‘‘I’m thinking of ‘Blessed are the poor.’ You can’t get much poorer than me. I have not a dime left in my account or on my person.’’
    Thorliff thought of the account he’d opened with the hundred dollars given to him at his graduation by Mr. Gould. More than half of it was still there because Mr. Rogers paid him beyond room and board for his work at the paper. Should he offer to help Benjamin come fall?
    ‘‘What about you?’’
    ‘‘I’m not sure. For some reason my first thought was to choose ‘Blessed are the pure in heart.’ Perhaps I’ll undertake that one.’’
    ‘‘I’m not even sure I know what pure in heart means. You know, this is going to cause consternation all summer. What if I learn nothing over the summer on my Beatitude, and when Mohn asks me in the fall, I just look stupid?’’
    ‘‘Knowing Reverend Mohn, he’s going to be praying that we all learn our lessons from this, or he wouldn’t have made the challenge.’’ Thorliff shifted his books to his other arm. ‘‘I’m going up to study. You coming?’’
    ‘‘No, I’ve got a meeting with Professor Ytterboe. He asked to see me.’’ Benjamin rolled his eyes. ‘‘I’m sure it’s not good.’’
    Thorliff’s thoughts came back to the present as he pedaled the bike onto the road leading to the Creamery, the largest commercial establishment in Northfield. Milk was hauled in from the surrounding dairy farms, bottled, and delivered by horse-drawn wagon to the houses of Northfield. The cheese they made didn’t begin to equal that which was produced on the Bjorklund farm in Blessing.
    ‘‘I’m here for the advertising copy.’’ He nodded to the woman behind the desk.
    ‘‘One minute.’’ She turned back at the doorway. ‘‘That was some hit you made the other night. I thought that ball was going to fly clear to St. Paul.’’
    ‘‘Thank you. I caught it solid is all.’’ He could feel his ears heating up.
    ‘‘You catch it solid more than most. I’ll be right back.’’
    Thorliff looked around the office, wrinkling his nose at the sour smell that came from the processing plant. Two weeks earlier he’d written a piece
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