More of Me

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Book: More of Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Chase
the ceremony isn’t out on the sand, and yet the deck is large enough to seat everyone and still give a spectacular view of the water. The rooms for both the cocktail hour and the reception are the perfect size and the hotel rooms for the guests are top quality.”
    â€œBut…I don’t know. I have to wonder, again, how it all actually looks while an event is going on. Is it going to be like pretty-boy Tyler and just all be a facade?”
    Casey couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “What in the world are you talking about?”
    Ryder leaned in close and kept his voice down just in case Tyler reappeared. “Guys like Tyler are all the same: impeccably dressed and with all the right things to say. But at the end of the day, they’re all just a pack of smarmy jackasses who probably hit on the guests or…I don’t know. He just rubs me the wrong way.”
    â€œSo this has nothing to do with the actual facility,” she stated just to be clear, “and simply about your dislike of Tyler. Do I have that right?”
    â€œWell, when you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous.”
    â€œThat’s because it is ridiculous, Ryder. I’ve worked with Tyler dozens of times, and he is a quality guy. He does an impeccable job on each and every event and pays attention to detail, and I’ve never seen or heard of him hitting on anyone. Actually, I believe that he’s been involved with someone for years.”
    â€œThat doesn’t mean anything,” Ryder said begrudgingly. “Plenty of people are involved and yet screw around. How do you know he’s not going to go hitting on the bridesmaids?”
    â€œBecause he’s more likely to hit on the groom or the groomsmen,” she said as her lips began to twitch. The look of shock on Ryder’s face was priceless.
    â€œYou mean he’s…um…so Tyler’s…”
    â€œGay? Yes. Do you feel better now?”
    He relaxed visibly in his seat. “As a matter of fact, I do,” he said. Just then Tyler walked back in and apologized for leaving them alone. “No worries, Tyler,” Ryder said with more enthusiasm than he had shown on their entire tour. “Do you happen to have an event this weekend that we can come and scope out? I’m more of a visual guy, and I want to see it all in action before making my decision.”
    Tyler was thrilled that they wanted to come back and gave them information on a wedding they were hosting on Saturday. “This one’s going to be a little different than what your cousin is wanting to do,” he began. “The ceremony is going to be at four in the afternoon, cocktails at five, and dinner will be served at seven.” He looked up and addressed Ryder. “They’re an older couple and a lot of the relatives are seniors, so they wanted the event to be over by ten.”
    Ryder nodded in understanding. “Sounds perfect to me. As long as I can get a general feel of how the rooms will look and how the spot for the ceremony will be laid out, I’ll feel better informed to make my decision. I appreciate you letting us come back and do that.”
    â€œNo problem,” he replied. “I would much rather you be comfortable with your decision so that you’ll be confident when you tell your cousin why you chose us.”
    Casey smiled at the confidence in Tyler’s words and saw that Ryder did not take any offense to them. They each thanked him for his time, and soon they were back in Casey’s car and heading to her office. Once again they drove in silence, and when they arrived, she was surprised that Ryder didn’t immediately leave. He followed her inside.
    Realizing that she wasn’t getting rid of him anytime soon, she simply headed into her office and got herself situated behind her desk. “So? Are you leaning toward one or the other?” she finally asked, her tone
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