
More Read Online Free PDF

Book: More Read Online Free PDF
Author: Keren Hughes

    Chapter Four
    A Few Days Later…
    I still couldn’t believe that Drake had kept his father’s death a secret for the entire day of Ayden’s birthday, but I understood why he’d done it. He had wanted his son to have a good birthday—but he could’ve told me and I would’ve been there to help him shoulder the burden—he’d rather have kept us both in the dark to give us one day of happiness before the sadness of Dennis’ passing set in. Drake had shouldered the burden alone and it had been eating him up inside. Now it was time for Dennis’ funeral. Ayden had been inconsolable in my arms since we’d told him what had happened. Many people would argue he was too young to attend a funeral, but he was his grandad and we felt he should be given chance to say goodbye. It was going to be a day to celebrate Dennis’ life, not mourn his death.
    It was Dennis’ last wish in his will that everyone attending was to wear any colour except black and that anyone wearing black would be given something bright at the doors of the church, a bright pink scarf or something like that, to put on before entering.
    Ayden, Drake, and I got ready at home and as I looked at my husband, I saw the weight of the world pressing down on him. Without a doubt, Dennis had been someone Drake admired, respected, and loved deeply. We all did. He was a man in a million.
    I held out the picture from my twelve week scan and Dennis took it with a look of joy in his eyes. He looked at the picture of the child he would get to call his grandson or granddaughter and the biggest smile overtook his face.
    I had been scared to tell Lynne and Dennis that I was pregnant. It wasn’t Drake’s child, after all. I wasn’t sure how they’d take the news, but I needn’t have worried, they were as excited as we were. Drake and I had been friends at work before I had got pregnant and I didn’t know how he felt about me other than friendship until one day we went out and things went from friendship to relationship in the blink of an eye. He hadn’t cared one bit that I was pregnant with someone else’s child. He knew what he was taking on and that we came as a package deal. Both of us knew he would make a great father to this baby, knowing that the biological father wasn’t on the scene and never would be—a choice the biological father, Oliver, had made himself. The Denham family didn’t care about me or the baby I was carrying, but that was them all over. However, looking at Dennis’ face, I knew he and the Anderson family cared about us both.
    Days later, Lynne had thrown me a baby shower, a little early maybe, but she was just so excited. To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement. The whole family was there and they all supported the fact that their son and brother was going to be a daddy. They had bought us so many things for the baby and I cried at the generosity and love I felt from them. Dennis had hugged me tight and said “Welcome to the family.” This made me cry and smile at the same time. For the first time in a long time, I felt something amazing—acceptance.
    “Mommy, can you tie my tie now?” a tiny voice asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
    “Of course, baby,” I replied as I took hold of his blue tie and put it around his neck. He wore a grey suit, complete with waistcoat. He’d picked it himself, saying that Grandad would be pleased with his choice. He’d chosen a sky blue tie to represent the football team his Grandad had supported and to go with the bright theme of the day.
    “I hope Grandad can see me today,” Ayden said as I finished tying the knot.
    “I’m sure he can, little man,” I said, my voice cracking slightly.
    Ayden pulled on his suit jacket and turned towards Drake. He strode across the room and took Drake’s hand in his.
    “Grandad wouldn’t want us to be sad, Daddy. Nanny told me so. He’d want us to be smiling, and if he can see you, he’ll
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