knew you existed until a week ago. Please don’t kill me.”
“ You see”, Zoth says in his deep scratchy voice, “Weak. Without their moon god, they are weak. We will test the humans to see how strong they are . Until our numbers grow, I will not kill you. But little man must die. Little man hurt Zoth. Little man must die.”
Scott says, “But Rob created you. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t even be alive.”
“ No, he tortured us. He put us in cold sleep. Little man must die.”
“ Aren’t you some kind of dog? Aren’t you supposed to be loyal or something?”
At that time a wolf knees Scott right in the groin. Then thrushes his head down into the dirt. Scott bounces back up and stares at the wolf. The wolf growls. He quickly raises his arm and the wolf punches him down in a chuckle. The other wolves around him make an eerily groggily roar of laughter that turns into a rhythm like drums, like natives around a camp fire. Then simultaneously, all the wolves raise their heads and howl at the moon in sync like they are all using the same brain. But Scott and Rob don ’t have that part of the brain. They don’t have the hunting instinct being too many generations away from the part of their existence, if it was even there to begin with. Now the wolves yell, “Hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt!” Zoth says, “Secure the prisoners!” One lone wolf runs up a tree, climbing limberly to the top. He cuts a giant vine with one of his claws. The vine falls. Others take it and tie down the prisoners. Then they were all gone to hunt and explore this new world. As they run through the woods together in unison, they find a ranger shack, small in size with only two windows and a door. Circling the shack just like a police raid, slowly coming in, checking all the windows and door, gathering at the door and one at each window. Zoth gives the command. All at once they all move in. They survey the shack. No one was in there. They sniff everything. Without even speaking they all burst out the door and windows on the scent of the ranger. Ranger Randy was relieving himself on a tree just about at his truck from the long hike to the shelter to make sure no animals got into the food or just to see if anyone was there that needed help. He was hauling ass after the strange noises from earlier, thinking if there was going to be an earthquake, he doesn’t want to be out there when it happens. People might need his help. Not having time to even zip his pants, when he heard the wolves approach. Knowing the truck is right up the hill, Randy runs as fast as possible up the hill. He reaches the passenger side door of the ranger truck. As he jumps in, one of the wolves grab his leg and yanks him back out, clawing his whole left leg. From the top of his thigh down to his shoe to his middle toe was a deep claw marks. Randy digs his hands into the dirt, pulling and pulling towards the truck, dragging his useless leg, desperately trying to reach the truck to get his shotgun and get out of there. He can see it. The dome light is on in the truck. The shotgun is sticking straight out off the floor board on the passenger side. Almost angelically sitting there as the light gleams off the barrel. Randy gets roughly pulled down to the arms of his captor. As he turns around to finally see, all the wolves stare at him. Then simultaneously attack at once, ripping and tearing their jaws into Randy’s flesh, as they pull apart their tasty morsels to enjoy. One is licking his missing arm, another clumsily picks up the shotgun out of the truck, yanking it out and, pulling the trigger. The wolfs head explodes off and through the roof of the truck instantly and totally submerging the windshield with blood. The other wolves turn at the sound of the gun, looking and laugh all at once like a drum in perfect rhythm. Why their brains are so