Monday the Rabbi Took Off
because he’s, say, an officer of the temple, he’s simply got to show on both days.”
    There was a nodding of heads and thus encouraged, Rabbi Shindler went on. “Well, I made up my mind that I was going to give it the old college try, and if God called me to serve Him by engaging in business. I’d stick with it until I was successful. I worked hard, and I don’t mind saying that there was many a time when I thought of going back to the safety and sanctuary of the rabbinate, but then I thought I’d be admitting defeat. Well, when I was made assistant general manager of the Northeast Ohio territory, I figured I’d served my time and then some, and that I could now go back to the rabbinate without feeling that I was doing it because I was a failure in business. And I don’t mind telling you gentlemen that I could make a lot more money staying on with National Agrochemical Corporation than I could hope to make in the rabbinate. But the rabbinate is my real work. I feel it’s what I’m called on to do, and that’s why I’m interested in this position.”
    “But you’re out of touch; you’ve been away –”
    “Oh, no, I haven’t. Sometimes I think I was more active after I left than while I was actively carrying on my official rabbinic duties. I was president of the local Zionist chapter. As a matter of fact, I helped start it. And I was vice-chairman of the Community Fund for three years. It’s all in my resume. I headed up the Ecumenical Committee – that’s a group that was out to bring about better relations between Jews, Catholics and Protestants.
    I was on the Visiting Committee of the Slocumbe General – that’s the town hospital. And for three years I was the panel chairman of the Kiwanis Bible Study Class, which used to meet every other Thursday right straight through the year, winter and summer. And I guess you gentlemen can figure out who did most of the talking in that class. And then I don’t need to tell you that whenever I had to go out of town, the first thing that went into my overnight bag was my tallis and t’fillen, because in resigning from my job as rabbi. I wasn’t resigning from being a good Jew. And I wish I had a nickel for every time I led the prayers in the minyan of some small town and the number of times they asked me to give a little sermon. In the small towns of Northeast Ohio I was known as the Traveling Rabbi. And of course, through natural inclination. I kept up with my studies all the while.” he added, to touch all rabbinic bases.
    The committee was taken with Rabbi Shindler, but as they discussed him. second thoughts began to develop. Not that they doubted his ability as a preacher; they had been more than satisfied with the sample taped sermons he had sent them, which had led to his being called in the first place. Nor could they cavil at the impression he had made during the interview. He had been straightforward, self-possessed and sincere, like a good salesman who believed in his product and had gone to the trouble to make adequate preparation for his presentation.
    “Of course, we’d want to check with his congregation –”
    “I don’t know that we could get much out of them, it’s been eight years since he left. Chances are that the same guys might not even be there.”
    “Well, at least we ought to try to get a line on him from National Agrochemical.” said Drexler.
    “Gosh, we can’t do that, Marty,” said Raymond. “He’s still working for them. They might not like it if they thought he was looking around for another job. You know how these companies are.”
    “But we can’t just take him on his own say-so. The whole story could be made up.” Drexler insisted.
    “Well, we know he’s a rabbi because it was the seminary that gave us a line on him. Right? And we know he can preach because there’s those sermons on the tapes. And we’re all agreed he looked good to us.”
    “That’s right, but there’s something that bothers me,” said
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