Moments (Breath of Life Book 3)

Moments (Breath of Life Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Moments (Breath of Life Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sara Marion
I can't imagine what you have gone through. I just can't man."
    "You guys aren't supposed to make this easy. I'm really sorry you guys. Ella would be appalled at my behavior."
    "I'm sure she would even understand," Paxton reached out and grabbed Duke by the forearm.
    Duke didn't feel the same electricity between himself and Paxton as he did with Jennah earlier. He looked down at her hand resting on his arm, he knew that he really wasn't in love with Paxton. What he thought was going on between them was nothing compared to Jennah's light touch from earlier. Duke craved for Jennah to touch him again. He wanted the electric spark between them to bring him back to life. Jennah chose that moment to make her appearance with their food. Duke looked up at her as she set down Jack and Paxton's food. He couldn't help but stare at her.
    "Anything else I can get y'all?" she asked. Everyone looked at each other and then they shook their heads.
    "No, I think we are fine. Thanks, Jennah," Duke smiled. She returned it before she walked away, checking on her other tables.
    "Duke?" Paxton's voice caught his attention. "Do you come here often?"
    "No, why?"
    "She looks an awful lot like Ella. Her voice, it's so similar. I swear it would be Ella if I didn't know any better."
    "Pax, come on. Let's not do this here."
    "No, it's fine Jack. I know she isn't Ella. I didn't even know that Jennah worked here."
    "You are on a first name basis. This isn't good for you."
    "I only know her first name because she is the aunt to one of my players. We just met at Friday's game. I haven't had more than five minutes of time speaking to her."
    "I just worry that you are going to become attached."
    "Pax, he knows it's not Ella. We were all there at the funeral. He's fine. Quit mothering him," Jack warned.
    "I'm sorry it's just that," she sighed. She swept her hair back behind her left ear. Duke noticed the sparkle that caught his eye. He caught glimpse of the shiny ring on her finger. As he stared at it for a split second longer, then he recognized what it was. It was her wedding ring.
    "Something you two want to tell me?" Duke asked. His voice was firmer and not as friendly.
    Paxton realized what he saw and hid her hands below the table. She quickly looked at Jack for help. Duke turned his attention to Jack. He put his head in his hand. Obviously there was something more going on between Jack and Paxton and they weren't going to let Duke in on it.
    "Seriously?" Duke sneered. He threw his napkin on the table over his uneaten food. He stood up and walked out after throwing more than enough money on the table to cover his meal and Jennah's tip.
    "Duke wait!" Paxton called out but Duke heard Jack hush her. Duke knew he was making a scene at the moment but he didn't care.
    Walking out the door, he couldn't believe that Paxton and Jack were taking things a lot faster than he thought. How could she say that she loved him and cared for him then go jumping right back into Jack's arms after everything that Jack has done? After all the nights she spent in Duke's bed? Duke knew that he needed space. Yes, he wanted them to move forward but they were getting their lives back, he couldn't do that. Ella was gone but Jack and Paxton were moving on like nothing happened. He knew eventually that Jack and Paxton might have gotten back to a good place, but not this soon. It was like Paxton slapped him again, only this time it was like saying that the time they spent together, the times they were together, meant nothing to her. He climbed into his truck and raced off. He just needed to get out of there.

    Duke arrived back at the house after he had been driving around for an hour or so. Conflicting emotions surrounding Jack and Paxton picking up where they left off swarmed in his head. He knew they were back together, he knew that this would come eventually, but so soon? Duke just couldn't
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