Mob Boss 4: Romancing Trina Gabrini

Mob Boss 4: Romancing Trina Gabrini Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mob Boss 4: Romancing Trina Gabrini Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mallory Monroe
  Especially with Drago threatening to tell Reno all about his side job.  
    Dirty was a lot of things, but he was no
    “You got yourself a deal,” he said, extending
his hand.   Drago looked at that hand as
if it were diseased.   Dirty
pulled it back.
    “When do you need this information?” he asked
    “Immediately.   Like yesterday.   You
find a way to get to Reno, find out what you need to find out, and get in touch
with me.”   He handed Dirty a card.   “You can reach me at that number.   Day or night.   As soon as you find out something
interesting, you call me.”
    “I’ll call you,” Dirty said, moving to get out
of the suffocating car.
    “And Dirty,” Drago said, catching Dirty by the
elbow.   Dirty looked at
him.   “If you don’t deliver exactly
what I need to know,” Drago made clear, “not only will you lose those specific
arms I aforementioned to you, but Reno will be told all about your little drug
selling operation in his establishment.   Which, if I know Reno, and I do, that little news will be sure to
cost you the other limbs I didn’t aforementioned.   So don’t fuck this up, Richie,” he
added.   “That’s the moral of this story.”
    Dirty stared at Drago.   Trying
to figure him out was like trying to figure out Calculus as far as Dirty was
concerned.   But he knew something was
up.   Something major.   It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure
that much out.
    “Don’t worry,” he said to Drago.   “I’ll deliver.   And I’ll deliver no matter how I have to get
it done.”   He smiled that charming smile that
always caused Reno’s sister Fran to forgive him anything.   “Why do you think they call me Dirty?”
    Drago laughed.   “Get the fuck outta here,” he ordered.




    “Reno is gonna kill me, Tree,” Dirty said as
he drove Reno’s Bentley into the parking lot at Boyzie’s.   It was one week later, and Trina had just
returned from Detroit.
    “Stop saying that, Dirty ,
goodness,” Trina replied.   “He won’t mind
if I take two minutes to say goodbye to Jazz .”
    “But he told me to bring you straight home.   To meet his plane, pick you up, and bring you
straight home.   He was clear to me,
Tree.   ‘No detours, Dirty,’ he said to
me.   ‘Bring my wife straight here.’   And here I am taking you to a strip
    “It’s not even that serious,” Trina said with
a shake of her head.   “Reno won’t mind.”
    Dirty looked through his rearview mirror at
his passenger on the backseat.   It often amazed him how Trina was always so
trusting of Reno.   Didn’t she know the
man she had on her hands?   Didn’t she
know how brutal Reno could be?
    He unbuckled his seatbelt, got out of the car,
and began walking around to the back passenger side door.   Trina could dismiss his concerns all she
wanted, but Dirty knew Reno.   And as soon as Reno jumped down his throat
for not obeying his orders, he wasn’t going to hesitate and tell him the truth:
Trina made him do it.   And that would be
the end of Reno’s rage because he could never be angry at his precious
Trina.   Although lately, Dirty also was
beginning to notice, there’d been some trouble in paradise.
    “I’ll be back,” Trina said as she stepped out
of the car.
    “Be quick about it, Tree.”
    Trina wanted to shake her head.   If Reno was that concerned he would have been
there to pick her up himself.   But, as
usual, he was too busy.   Some emergency meeting this time.   And to send Dirty of all
people.   That kind of pissed her
off.   She just returned from her uncle’s
funeral in Detroit, hadn’t seen her husband in a week, and he couldn’t take a
few minutes away from some meeting to come and pick her up?   She absolutely had expected to step off of
his plane and see him waiting for her.    She’d missed him terribly, and assumed he’d missed her.   But
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