Mistress Mine

Mistress Mine Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mistress Mine Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Cayto
Tags: General Fiction
blinked. “This isn’t a raid or something, is it?”
    He chuckled. “No, ma’am. This is a man exploring what he’s
looking for in a woman, in a lover.”
    “What you want is a woman to dominate you.”
    It wasn’t really a question, yet he answered it anyway.
“Yes, ma’am.”
    “A woman to discipline you.”
    He closed his eyes once more, picturing what it was going to
be like to have the suede flays hitting his back, his ass, his cock and balls.
Biting his lip for control, he nodded.
    “Because in your life, you’re always in control. You’re the
one with responsibility, and it’s a matter of life and death. People are
literally counting on you for their very lives. It’s difficult and it’s
stressful. You need some place, some time when you don’t have to worry about
making the right decision or the wrong one. You need someone else to take
control, tell you what to do and beat that stress right out of you.”
    To have it said so plainly was like a minor miracle. He
could hardly believe he had spent so much of his adult life burying this
obvious truth. For a moment, he was overwhelmed emotionally. Opening his eyes,
blinking back tears, he said, “You understand.”
    “Of course I do.” Her voice was soothing. “You don’t have to
worry about a thing in this room. I will take good care of you. That’s a
promise. But it will only work if you trust me. Do you trust me, Trey?”
    “I-I don’t know,” he answered truthfully, afraid he might
ruin everything, but determined not to lie to this woman.
    “An honest answer. I appreciate that. You don’t know me, so
how could you know if you can trust me? I have to earn that trust and it starts
tonight, if you are willing.”
    “I am.”
    She paused. He caught a hint of uncertainty in her
expression. “I’m older than you.”
    He nodded. “I know. I like that. It makes it easier for me
to trust you.”
    “Good.” She uncrossed her legs and leaned in closer to him.
The warmth of her body played on his arousal. He wanted to touch, yet didn’t
dare. He needed permission, even a novice like himself understood that. “Now
pay attention. Here are the rules. You do what I tell you to do immediately, no
questions unless I give you permission to ask them. You stop thinking the moment
you are in my presence. You watch and listen and obey. I will control you and
your body and I promise to take good care of you. I won’t demand anything more
of you than I know you can handle. But you have to leave the alpha man outside.
You have to relinquish control. Will you do that?”
    Trey sighed heavily. “I’ll try.”
    She shook her head. “There is no try. You do it or you
    He stared back at her and saw the confidence and resolve in
her eyes. If this was ever going to be right for him, he had to jump in with
both feet and make a commitment. “I understand, Yoda, I mean, Mistress.” God,
what was the matter with him, cracking jokes at a time like this?
    Her hand reached out but instead of the slap he braced for,
she merely patted his cheek. “You don’t have to check your sense of humor at
the door.” Standing up, she added, “Come.”
    Juliette led her new boy over to the manacles on the wall,
not completely sure the scene was going to play out the way she wanted. Trey
had been truthful, and that had merit, and yes, the reference to Star Wars had been funny. Still, he was going to have trouble giving up decision making.
Not that anyone could jump into a BDSM lifestyle without some reservation. She
needed to take things slow and steady, fight the urge to ramp things up to her
own speed. It would help her, too. Her nervousness and doubt were enemies to
her goals.
    “Take everything off,” she ordered, shutting down the more
analytical part of her brain and going into automatic Domme mode.
    Trey’s hesitation was almost undetectable. She let it go and
concentrated instead on the tantalizing show he gave as he took his clothes
off. It wasn’t
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