Phelan said, looking down his nose at her.
    Taking a step back, Diana stiffened.
    “Excuse me?”
    Pointing above her head, he said, “I don’t know who put it there, but since they did, I intend to take full advantage of it.”
    Looking up, when Diana saw the sprig of mistletoe, she blanched. Trying to think of something to say, she paused for a second, and then a familiar voice rang out.
    “In your dreams, Phelan,” Jamie said, striding to the doorway. “Now let her pass.”
    Keeping his voice low so that others wouldn’t hear, Phelan leaned in and said, “This is my house, Nash, not yours.
    And since this is my Christmas party and that goddamn weed is hanging over my doorway, tradition dictates that this lovely lady doesn’t leave until she gets kissed.”
    Jamie watched as Phelan looked back at Diana, hungrily licking his lips in anticipation, but before he could make his move, Jamie made hers.
    Reaching over, she slipped her hand behind Diana’s neck and pulled her close. Jamie’s intention was only to satisfy tradition with a mere brush of her lips, but once they touched Diana’s, tradition was quickly forgotten.
    It happened so fast that by the time Diana realized that Jamie was about to kiss her, their lips were already touching. The scent of the cologne which Diana had admired from afar now filled her nostrils, and spellbound, Diana closed her eyes and allowed the kiss to continue.
    Jamie was in trouble. There was no doubt about it. The kiss should have only lasted for a second, or maybe two, but they were well past five and rapidly heading toward ten or twenty. Jamie knew that she should pull away. She was stepping way over the line with a woman she had just met, but oh, what a woman. Diana’s lips were the softest that Jamie had ever touched, and her flavor was more intoxicating than the finest of wines. For a few seconds more, Jamie allowed herself to get lost in the heady rush of their first kiss.
    With a heavy heart, Jamie finally pulled away, and as Diana opened her eyes, Jamie looked over at Phelan.
    “Consider her kissed. Now, let her pass.”
    Slack-jawed, Phelan backed away from the door, and without saying a word, Diana walked out.


    As a fire danced in the hearth, Santa sat behind his desk, sipping hot chocolate. Taking another letter from the pile stacked to his right, he smiled as he read what was written. Checking the list displayed on his computer, he made yet another notation in the Nice column and then entered the child’s wish. Placing the note aside, he picked up the next, but stopped when he heard the tinkling of bells. Looking up, he grinned when he saw Percy Giggly-Legs appear in the doorway.
    “There you are. It was getting a bit late. I was starting to worry,” Santa said.
    “It took longer than expected, sir,” Percy said, shuffling over to the desk.
    Catching a whiff of his lead elf, Santa’s eyes flew open. “Percy! You smell like you spent the night in a distillery.”
    “Oh, yes, sir…I mean…I mean, no sir. Mr. Phelan’s house was filled with people drinking and smoking. I couldn’t get away from it and still do my job.”
    “I see,” Santa said, eyeing the elf.
    “And did you?”
    “No, sir. Not a drop…well, maybe a splash, but it wasn’t my fault. Honest.”
    Shaking his head, Santa looked over the top of his reading glasses. “Percy, I was talking about the mistletoe.”
    “Oh,” Percy replied as a slight blush crossed his cheeks.
    “So, tell me, how did it go?”
    Hanging his head, Percy said, “I don’t think it worked, sir.”
    “What do you mean? What happened?”
    “Well, I did as you told me, and hung the mistletoe where Miss Diana would be sure to walk under it, but when Mr. Phelan tried to kiss her, she refused.”
    “Mr. Phelan?”
    “Yes, sir. Mr. Theodore Phelan. He was the host of the party tonight.”
    Turning to his computer, Santa tapped away at the keys. Running a search in his Naughty and Nice database, his brow
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