off.” She faced him squarely, and for the first time this morning, she didn’t avert her eyes.
He took the books from her and placed them in his truck, and turned toward her with his hands on his hips. “Hey, I wasn’t trying to scare you off.” He decided he liked the confident, fiery side to her a lot more than when she was skittering away from him.
He cheeks wore a faint blush as she murmured, “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, my fault for teasing you when we hardly know each other.”
After they had climbed in the truck, he asked, “Why don’t you come to church on Sunday? We are having a fellowship dinner right after service, and it will give you a chance to get to know everybody and help you feel at home here."
He noticed she stiffened again, and was looking out the window as she composed her response.
“I mean…I assumed you were Christian because you prayed with me before breakfast…” He let his words trail off, frustrated with his fumbled attempts with this woman. Great, way to go Nate, just make her feel more alienated.
The silence loomed in the truck for a few moments, until she cleared her throat. “Yeah, I was going to go. It is the church we passed earlier today, right?”
“Yes.” He let the subject drop, sensing this was another slippery area with her. “So what do you say we go get your car?"
She nodded, but continued to stare out the window. They rode to Mike’s garage in silence, and when he pulled up, she jumped out of the truck before he could even come around to her side. “Thank you for all of your help today. I appreciate it.”
“Look Kristina,” Nathan said, reaching for her arm. “I didn’t mean to offend you, I just...”
Kristina interrupted him, wiggling her arm free from his grasp, “Nathan, I wasn’t offended. Just tired, I guess.”
With a smile that didn’t quite reach her hazel eyes, she said goodnight and thanked him again. He stood there, watching her hustle into his brother’s garage, an uncomfortable lump in the pit of his stomach.
After she paid and thanked Mike, she passed Nathan, offering him only a brief nod, and then drove off.
Mike stood by, watching Kristina’s chilly departure. “Wow!” Mike asked his brother, "What did you do?”
Nathan shrugged at his older brother and mumbled, “Nothing.”
Mike took one look at his brother’s troubled features, and laughed, “Okay?”
Knowing his older brother would be relentless in his pursuit of the truth, he reluctantly shared what happened.
Mike chuckled, and asked, “So Nate finally found a woman who intrigues him?”
“I barely know her.”
“But you want to.”
“Not beyond friendly terms. She’s jumpy and frightened…”
“And beautiful?” Mike interrupted.
“Sure, but I’m not even sure she’s a Christian. I invited her to church. You could tell she really didn’t want to come, but she accepted anyway. I’d be surprised if I even saw her there.”
“And if she isn’t? Why do you doubt God’s ability to use you? You have gifts and talents you aren’t using.” Nathan knew by the look on his brother’s face where this was heading.
“Now don’t use this as an excuse to badger me about taking the position.” Nathan said gruffly, “I told you I don’t think I’m called to be a pastor.”
“If God is calling you, you’d never hear Him because you are too busy shouting to everyone why you are not fit to be the pastor.”
“Look how bad I bungled a simple invitation to church.”
Mike held up his hand and said, “Save it, little brother. I don’t want to hear about what you can’t do. That's not the point; it is what God can do through you. Just think about it.”
Walking back to the shop, he added. “I’m going to close up, and then you can come over and play with your niece and nephew.”
Nathan just grunted under his breath and got in the truck, thinking about what Mike said while he waited for him.
His brother had this way of dropping a bomb on