emanating from the Earth will have a profound effect on one’s health,
wellbeing, and overall prosperity. There is a reason why feng shui has
been highly revered for thousands of years and continues to be prac-
ticed with steadfast results.
Although feng shui, vastu shasra, and geomancy have been some of
the more notable studies and practices of harnessing the earth’s energy, these are by no means the only ways. Entire cultures, such as Native
Americans, Celtic Shamans, and Aborigines, have lived in harmony with
the Earth simply as a way of life. Their respect and stewardship of the land should serve as a model for living in harmony with Mother Earth.
What is Chi?
The goal of feng shui is to harness the beneficial chi from the earth and avoid inauspicious chi. In Chinese Medicine, chi is the word used to describe energy. Chi is simply energy . Energy is the all-pervading universal life force that flows through all that is. Although there is ultimately only one source of all energy, there are many ways, or venues, for energy
to filter into our life, body, and spaces. Think of a prism that refracts Your Home’s Origin 21
light in a myriad of different shapes, direction, textures, and colors. The same is true with energy and the energy soup in which we live.
The ultimate source of all energy has been given many names, such
as God, Universal Energy, Source, Divine Love, Universal Love, among
others. Like a crystal prism, this energy flows and refracts through everything—galaxies, Earth, humans, food, plants, electronics, and even a manufactured vinyl chair from the 1970s. Everything—from a child to
a curtain rod—is a derivative or projection of the prism of energy. In other words, everything is energy and is a derivative of primary source of energy. The Sun is our primary source of energy in the Milky Way
galaxy and has even been considered a God, or deity, in its own right.
For without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. But even that
which we consider our Sun is an offshoot of universal energy, sometimes referred to as the Central Sun.
From a scientific perspective, chi or energy is electromagnetic en-
ergy. Electromagnetic energy waves are emitted from the core of the
Earth, through the layers, up to the surface, and into our atmosphere.
This energy is actually a byproduct of the Sun. Planet Earth receives
the Sun’s energy, keeping what it needs to maintain its equilibrium and reflecting back that which it doesn’t need via the atmosphere. We humans are the beneficiaries of this amazing process.
Since Earth acts as our host through gravity, she is our benefactor
of energy from the sun. It is this strong magnetic pull through elec-
tromagnetic energy that keeps us grounded, literally and energetically, to Planet Earth. This energy is referred to as chi in Chinese Metaphysics and prana in Vedic studies. Earth maintains the thermostat so that we can exist and live under habitable conditions. When thought of in
these terms it seems absurd that we would want to live any other way
than in harmony with Mother Earth, let alone jeopardize Earth’s built-
in HVAC system.
Yin and Yang
If chi were to be subdivided into two major categories, it would be Yin and Yang . Yin energy is thought of as feminine energy, while Yang energy 22 Your Home’s Origin
is considered masculine energy. Yin and yang energy can be seen in a
myriad of forms and visibly depicted in the Earth’s natural terrain. The most obvious example would be mountains and valleys. Valleys represent and emit yin energy, whereas mountains vibrate yang energy.
Areas with water have more yin energy, while volcanic areas and those
related to fire, such as deserts, would be yang energy.
The Earth’s natural terrain is the most direct point through which
the earth’s energy makes contact with our atmosphere and therefore
an important consideration in enhancing energy in our living spaces.
In Sedona, Arizona, known
Jacqueline Diamond, Jill Shalvis, Kate Hoffmann