Mike's Way Back (Finding Perfect)

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Book: Mike's Way Back (Finding Perfect) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Gregory
the kids clothing store, an office supply shop. Um…let’s see. Oh, we have a small art gallery, and our beloved movie theater. It only has two screens, so we are generally a couple of months behind the rest of the country. Everyone in town loves it and protested building a bigger theater.” She looked like a kid in a candy shop. That reminded him. “Oh, and,” he paused to wiggle his eyebrows, “we have a real candy shop.”
    Taryn bit her lip and blinked rapidly a couple of times. “This is paradise.”
    “I thought most women described paradise as an upscale spa or an exotic beach. Or maybe the inside of Neiman Marcus?”
    Her smile vanished right before she rolled her eyes. “Not all women,” Taryn said smartly before turning away from him.
    That had apparently chilled her spirit. Mike closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breath. It was a knee-jerk comment based on his ex-wife. He was long over her, but assuming all women were just like her was a harder habit to break. Once he moved back to town, he’d dated a few women with no problem. Maybe it was because they didn’t have the appearance or the air of power Taryn did. How perfectly ironic. Mike shook his head. Don’t judge a book by its cover. In a freaking bookstore of all places. He’d been a fool to get caught doing just that.
    Damn it.
    She wasn’t that upset by his snide comment. She assumed he was just trying to be funny. What pissed her off more was that she’d let the persona slip. It had taken years to perfect. She was so practiced most of the time she didn’t even have to try anymore. The air of control was just the mask she wore all the time now.
    Except—she wasn’t that person.
    Taryn had never been that person. Back in her freshman year of college, she read an article in a magazine that described how clothes could define a person. The article went on pointing out facts and stating women who wore heels gave the appearance of power. Of control.
    The very thing she ran to California in search of. That article changed her life. It changed her—the way she dressed, the way she walked, even the way she spoke. Long gone were the days of coming across as girly and naïve.
    When she visited her family she held onto her façade with an iron fist. The consummate professional. She smiled, but never gave in to rolling laughter. Loving, but distant. Engaged, but aloof. Her whole demeanor was a set of contradictions. She was still the daughter who appreciated her parents’ hard work. She smiled, but never giggled foolishly. Never let her guard down. There was never any question. She was in control and could take care of herself.
    As long as she walked in with her heels on, back straight and head held high, her father never questioned her choices. It had been years since she had made herself over. After so many years she’d forgotten how easy it was to be herself. Her old self.
    It was Mike. Something about him. His charm, his easy-going smile—it was him and that damn muscular body she felt pressed up against her back when they first walked into the bookstore. It was those damn blue eyes she kept getting lost in.
    It was him she had to stay away from. She couldn’t afford to lose the control she’d fought so hard for. Not to him…of all people—a cop.
    She felt the heat from his hand before it even grasped her upper arm. With her eyes screwed shut, she willed herself back to normal. Whatever that was.
    “Taryn, I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean that to come across so offensively. I apologize.”
    She turned and faced the man. With the cool attitude she had down pat, she gave little effort to the smile on purpose, keeping it from appearing fully. “It’s fine.”
    “Can we please continue our tour?” He asked, holding out his hand to her.
    Looking down her nose, she stared at his open palm. There were two directions to go and only two. Look back up into his blue eyes and tell him no. Then proceed to walk out of the
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