Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller

Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mia's Journey: An Erotic Thriller Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Rebell
the edges of her soul. She wasn’t lost, but she soon would be if she carried on her current mode of thinking. He slipped out of her and went back to his lower mind.
    “…of course, you can’t expect him to understand that.”
    “No, they never do,” he heard himself say. “Most men are assholes.”
    “Yes, they are. You know, you’re different. I kind of like you. I’ll let you fuck my ass for fifty dollars more. I know you like it.”
    “I have a better idea.”
    “Oh? What’s that?” Hint of suspicion in her voice.
    “How about if you just take the money I just gave you, and here,- here’s fifty more,- we call it a night, and you spend it on your child?”
    “How did you know I have a child?” Suspicion real now. She started putting her clothes back on in a hurry.
    “I don’t. Lucky guess. I figured it was 50-50, I’d be right.”
    “OK,” slightly mollified.
    “Do you have kids?”
    “Yes, I do.
    “Boy or girl?”
    “A boy.”
    “Trust me, you don’t want a daughter.”
    “I don’t?”
    “No. For one, they are only interested in their daddies. And their daddies are usually assholes.”
    “OK, thanks. I’ll keep it in mind. But seriously, I think I want to be alone.”
    “Yeah, you said that already. So why’d you call then?”
    “I don’t know. Desperate, I guess. Or maybe just stupid.”
    “But after seeing me naked, you’re not as desperate or as stupid, huh?” She zipped her top up, and started putting on her track shoes.
    “No, really, it isn’t like that. You’re gorgeous. It’s me.”
    “It’s your money. You won’t catch a disease, you know. I’m clean.” She said as she slipped out the door, closing it behind her.
    “I know. I might catch something worse,” said the man to the empty room.

“To fulfil a fantasy is the quickest way to destroy it.”
    Duane Michals
    Chapter 9
    Mia had fantasies…
    She would sometimes imagine herself in various situations. Of course, it wasn’t real, and she would never do something like that in real life. She had been brought up in a proper, religious family, but the fantasies remained.
    They were always a part of her present reality. Most of the time her daydreams remained on the outskirts of her mind. Never quite daring to venture into the main street of her consciousness. Just beyond the edge of town.
    Sometimes they lay buried, other times they rose like a ghost in the fog of daylight daydreams. But they were there. Most days she could deny them, even ignore them. Other days she couldn’t.
    At first, her fantasies were benign in nature. She secretly wanted someone to take control of what she felt were major life events slipping past her. She felt she had fallen into deep, dark, water and didn’t know how to swim and kick to the surface.
    She had the nagging feeling, always gnawing at the back of her mind that she was overlooking some key detail, which would come back to haunt her. At first, the fantasies were just stress induced. She knew that. Like the night before her first day at work, she dreamed she arrived at the school in her underwear. Silly stuff like that.
    But then the daydreams turned sexual. The fantasies involved submission and domination. Her submission usually to a strong man. At first, the men were faceless.
    Mia liked it that way. Anonymous. Because faceless she could still deny them. She liked that the faceless man was in control, and she didn’t have to make decisions. He told her what to do and she did it. So that she didn’t have the cares and responsibilities of everyday life.
    She could surrender, completely, totally, to the desires of one man, and in return, he took away the other burdens of her life. She didn’t have the pressures, the decisions, and the weight of every pressing problem of her everyday life. Just like that…Poof! They were gone. In their place was just longing for something that wasn’t.
    In their place was wetness…
    Soon the longing
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