brown eyes toward her. Amelie hated feeling pitied. It made her feel vulnerable and weak. She looked out the cars tinted window and did everything she could to not break down again. Her breath was hard to catch, and she squeezed her eyes tightly. The tall white building with layered balconies appeared out the window, and Amelie took a deep breath. The same place that Amelie called home for the past three years suddenly felt unfamiliar. She wanted nothing but her parents and her childhood home. She wished to go back and accept her mother’s offer to live with them, but remembered how she insisted to be on her own.
“Are you going to be okay tonight dear?” Mona asked, putting a delicate hand on her back. Amelie left the car as she slammed the door and went into the apartment without responding. She didn’t understand her anger toward Mona but she was glad to have somewhere to direct it. The Cadillac drove off into the night and Amelie wanted to scream at them not to leave her alone. Instead, she walked up the stoop and into the building, holding her head high.
Her luxurious apartment had never felt so empty and baron as she unlocked and opened the door. Amelie turned on the lights and took the single photo that hung off the hallway wall. She took it into her bedroom with her, holding it tightly. She passed an art easel with the same unfinished, and untouched painting that had sat there for over a year. All the walls were white and it hadn’t really looked like anyone lived there. There were no decorations or photographs besides the one in her trembling hand. She unzipped her black dress and let it fall to the floor before kicking off her pumps and threw her handbag onto the side of her bed. All that remained on her toned, tanned body was her red and black lace lingerie that Nathan had given her before she found him cheating with the elementary school teacher. She wished the underwear hadn’t been so appealing so she could throw it away and forget about that asshole. She shook the thought of Nathan from her mind and crawled under the feather down Duvet and on top of the silk sheets, and turned on the plain tableside lamp. She held the photo up to her chest and then looked at it. The photo was taken almost ten years ago today. It beautifully portrayed her parents and she on her eleventh birthday in front of what was now their charred tomb. Amelie let the hot tears streak through her carefully done make up as she remembered her wonderful childhood. She thought of the horseback riding her mother and her loved to do together and the golf she enjoyed with her father. Her heart was overcome by the feeling of guilt as she thought about all the time that had passed since she last saw her beloved parents. She ached inside to have that time back with them, that time to love and cherish them like they deserved. Amelie knew time was the one thing that she could never get back no matter how much money she had or how hard she worked. Pain and agony flooded her body, it was followed by the sensation that it was all a dream. The day had been so bizarre it couldn’t have been real. The throbbing ache that Amelie felt was so sever, it couldn’t be real. Sleep captured her to that thought, that none of it had happened….
To continue reading ‘Flames Of Passion’ click here
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